I just want you to know without ANY reservations; That I will never recommend something I have not already read through, looked over, tried, or used myself and found it to be of value to me and my family. I will not recommend companies that I think, or feel have questionable practices. I enjoy sharing my opinion and I want you to be confident that it will always be honest and based on my own experience and gut feelings, not influenced by popular opinion or marketing. With eBooks becoming so popular please know that I don't have time to read every word of every eBook but I do my best to recommend only those that I think my readers might be interested in or ones that I'm interested in. Please don't assume that I completely agree with every author I recommend.
That being said please know that I do make some income running this site. I am an affiliate for a lot of the things I recommend although not all. If I really like something and think others will like it I will recommend it whether or not I'm an affiliate. If available I become an affiliate for companies that I already do business with. Clicking on and purchasing through my affiliate links shows your support and I really appreciate it. Simple. Healthy. Tasty. does take quite a bit of time and my time is very precious it is nice to be compensated a little. Alright just wanted to be sure you understand that. It's an important thing to me.
The School of Natural Healing
The school of Natural Healing really changed my life! You can read more about that here. I cannot stress the Family Herbalist class enough! Well worth the money it was normally $495 but when they moved it over to online they could offer it for $295 BUT because we love them so much they are offering it for only $195. I would be sure to take advantage of this.

Sun Warrior
I struggle to get enough greens in me in the Winter! It's just too cold to have a green smoothie every morning. So I started looking for something that I could have on those mornings that are just too cold for a smoothie! I found "Sun Warriors Ormus Greens". I have never been able to drink green powder in water without gagging and I have tried a few!....But I can easily drink this one. It's not as good as a green smoothie, but it's packed full of nutrition and naturally occurring friendly flora! For those who aren't used to "GREEN" they could drink it in juice! I've found I also like it even more when I add a little of their "Liquid Light" product. I have also tried their "Rice Protein Powder" and personally find it to be the best protein powder on the market, if your into that sort of thing! I personally know the founder of "Sun Warrior". He's the older brother of one of my BFF's. Also my mom worked in his health food store for a few years. This guy is amazing and I totally trust him when it comes to nutrition! I think he may be more particular about good ingredients then I am!

Mountain Rose Herbs
I started shopping here because they have Organic unrefined cold pressed Coconut Oil cheaper then anywhere else I could find it and in BULK! But I have also tried a lot of their other oils, bulk herbs, teas, etc. and everything has been EXCELLENT quality for a good price! Their customer service is also great and I love their honorable business practices! And by the way current School of Natural Healing Students get 10% off all their purchases!