Sweet Basil Tomato and Cucumber Salad

Sweet Basil, Tomato and Cucmber Salad

So this was part of lunch today and it was so good......bursting with flavor and just a quick summer salad to make up fresh out of the garden.

I love this time of year when I can just go to my garden and basically pick a meal! ;) And I'm sure it's not just me but you can't beat that fresh picked flavor.

This year we planted a couple of Sunsweet Cherry Tomato plants and they are just full of super sweet yellow/orange tomatoes so I threw some of those in but you can use whatever kind you have!

When I dished some up for me I added some dry roasted sunflower and pumpkin seeds that I had roasted yesterday gave it a little extra crunch and made it more filling but it's really good either way.

A Quick Summer Salad

Sweet Basil Tomato and Cucumber Salad
1 large cucumber, coarsely chopped
5-6 tomatoes, coarsely chopped (if you use cherry tomatoes just quarter them)
1 small handful of fresh basil leaves, sliced into thin ribbons
Real Salt to taste
a splash of Balsamic Vinegar

Combine all ingredients in a bowl stir, taste add more of what you want. ;)

I love my Excalibur Dehydrator only problem is that I sometimes need more than just the nine trays..... especially this time of year. I have had my eye on one of these stainless steel beauties!  
They are 10% off until August 31, 2014 using code 10HARVEST2014 at checkout.

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