My Weekly Meal Plan

We had a very fun week this past week. Monday we went to the Shakespeare Green Show and the play Comedy of Errors.  Tuesday was our 19th anniversary and Charly's 8th birthday. Wednesday Ry and the older kids went to Mammoth Caves with their youth group. Thursday Matt and Missy went to a dance and the rest of us enjoyed a quiet evening at home. Friday the boys went scout camping and then we had a fairly productive and enjoyable weekend together.

Charly was very excited to get a Ocarina for her birthday and so far has learned how to play Twinkle Twinkle on it. ;)

Sometimes with all the nice warm weather we kind of feel the need to get in all we can before it turns off cold again. Hopefully it won't get cold to soon.......cause I have a garden full of produce that is starting to ripen and I want to enjoy that for as long as possible too.

This week yet again we will vary a bit from the summer time plan because of a family reunion. But it's all good!

My Weekly Meal Plan

Stir Fry with Garlic Sauce
(okay I know we had this last week and it was so close to being a really good sauce but is still missing something......I am determined to figure it out I think it may just be more garlic ;) So we are trying again. If you want an already perfected Stir Fry try this one out!

Mexican Pizza

Easy Peanut Kale Salad

Black Bean and Sweet Potato Taco Packets

Gluten Free Zucchini Fritters

Roasted Veggies in the Crock Pot


Easy Homemade 2nd Edition is now available and on sale for $3.99 this week only! Great book if you want ideas and helps in creating your own pantry staples and more. To purchase or learn more click here or on book.

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