My Weekly Meal Plan

Last week we had a lovely time camping with family at the Nelson reunion. Meals were simple....I don't ever really plan lunches while camping because for some reason or other my kids just don't eat as much in the mountains. We took some snacks like fruit, bean dip with chips, and some things but not even all we took of those got eaten.

For breakfast I took some of my pancake mix, stuff for breakfast burritos (wow that's a post that needs some updating ;) and granola. For our dinners you can look at last weeks meal plan on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I made the soup ahead of time and had froze it in containers. I love to do this because it makes it so simple to have warm homemade soup in the mountains. I have also done it with chili and other kinds of soups.

For other camping meal plan ideas you can see our camping meal plan from last year. We still have plenty of camping plans for our Summer and plan to use some of these ideas again.
We did have some rain but it is so needed around here I tried not to complain.....too much ;) I know my yard and garden are loving the rain. Now on to this weeks meal plan....

My Weekly Meal Plan

Monday: Stir Fry with Garlic Sauce - The last Garlic sauce we tried was okay but we want to keep trying to get a really good one. So it's back to the drawing board.

Tuesday:  Taco Salad in a Jar - Charly enjoyed the salads in a jar we had a few weeks back so much that she requested them for her birthday dinner! (pictured above and yep empty Adams peanut butter jars work great since they have a nice wide mouth and are wide all the way down....and yep I didn't bother to scrub all the labels off just to get a nicer picture ;)

Wednesday: Raw Southwestern Salad

Thursday: Quinoa Burgers

Friday: Grilled Vegetable Stack with Lemon Hummus

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Crock Pot Ratatouille

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