My Weekly Meal Plan

Okay so I took a little unplanned time off from blogging last week and very much enjoyed the break. Ryan was out of town with work all week so we didn't even meal plan. It was kind of fun to just wing it and be less scheduled and it may be like that off and on this Summer but this week I need at least some sort of a plan!

Here are a couple highlights from the past two weeks and then this weeks menu plan!

We had a Birthday Party for my Grandma who turned 80! I keep saying that I hope I have some of those genes......she definitely doesn't look, act or move like she is 80.  Aunt Em had a fun quiz game for the great-grand-kids. They learned lots of fun things they didn't know about grandma heck I even learned some things.

I have said for a long time that Summer's are for I really enjoy it when the youth camps and things are over so we have more time to just all be together. Both our little family and with extended family!

Cousins spent a lot of time together last week and it was lots of fun. I think the highlight though had to be the water balloon fight in grandma's back yard!

 I decided to start purging the house again and to try to be done with it before harvest time so then I will be able to focus on enjoying and preserving the harvest! I'm in hopes for lots and lots so I can refill my food storage room.

My Weekly Meal Plan

Zucchini Casserole - Dinner is already made tonight! We made two of these yesterday....YUMMM! Our zucchini is doing awesome.


Herbed Quinoa Garden Veggie Salad

Grilled Veggie Sandwich

Chicken Garden Veggie Quinoa Skillet


Crock-pot Lasagna

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