My Mom is a pro at making them.....but she doesn't just make them for Charly, nope.....all the family likes them. My brothers and sisters and all their kids we all just love and crave them. Except for Ryan! He will eat them but doesn't really care for them.....not really not sure what his problem is. Oh well more for us.
This year I planted 2 kinds of Kale. Dinosaur and Russian Kale both are growing great and it won't be long before we can start making Kale Chips. To be honest it's the Curly Kale that actually makes the best most crunchy chips but I don't like growing it because it is the hardest kind to keep the aphid off.
Anyway if you haven't seen that video of Charly or tried making Kale Chips you can find both the video and recipe's not to late to get some planted especially if you find starts at your local nursery. Plant it in a fairly cool spot and you should have kale clear till Christmas....maybe longer.
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

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