Last week was lovely and a little more slow paced. A lot of people were out of town for spring break so there were less evening meetings and things. The older kids did spend a little more time going and doing things with friends and having them come over but even that was low key and easy going.
The weekend was full of a good balance of work and fun and we got a lot accomplished. Weeds were pulled and Ryan got water to the garden. We planted as many seeds as we dared to this early. Lettuce, kale, spinach, peas (were already in the ground) we added onion, beets, cabbage, carrots and cucumbers.
We also spent a lot of time with extended family on both sides celebrating our Risen Lord. Oh how I love the Easter Season.

In other news.....There has been a lot of hard work going on to put together another awesome Ultimate-Bundle. I was a part of the Healthy Living bundle in the fall and I'm excited to be part of the homemaking bundle starting THIS WEDNESDAY!
I also have purchased all the past ultimate bundles. I feel like they are just such a win/win/win. Customers get a great deal on a huge bundle of ebooks and with awesome bonuses that more than pay for the bundle. Authors and affiliates are able to offer the bundle through their blogs and it helps support all their hard work. And the amazing people that work so hard to put this all together feel that it helps support them and their families and their blogging efforts.
Never have I worked with so many good people of such high integrity. With Ultimate Bundles....everyone WINS! So be ready starting Wednesday for The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle! There will be something for every homemaker....I can't wait to show you all that you will get!

Okay on to the menu for the week. With leftover chickpeas and flat bread from last weeks meal we are making falafel tonight. Then I'm kind of in a sandwich type mood this week and of course keeping things super simple because it looks to be a very busy week.
My Weekly Meal Plan
Flatbread Falafel Sandwich
Pizza Casserole
Chickpea Salad Sandwich
Quinoa Burgers
Taco Sundays
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