My Weekly Meal Plan

My Weekly Meal Plan
First I want to be sure to remind you that today is the Encore Day of the Mom Conference! Where for free you can listen to the favorite presentations from last week. You can click here to sign up.

I was able to listen too and/or watch a lot of the Conference and let me just say I was so inspired and motivated by much of it!  I felt it was very much worth my time. And came away ready to tackle one of my favorite roles......that of being a Mother.  If you missed all or some of the conference or are like me and would like to study and re-listen to some of them you can purchase the entire conference if it's in your budget!

Speaking of budgets don't forget about the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle flash sale that will be coming your way a week from Wednesday. If your budget is pretty tight like mine you may need to choose only one or something just FYI.

Mom Conference

The cool part is that there are lots of amazing bonuses (My Simply Scheduled plus Cook Book Bundle) included.......I was thrilled to be selected to share this bonus with you. We did have a few "technical difficulties" with the coupon code not working this very sorry about that! It is working now so I hope you will try again. If ANY of you have more troubles please feel free to contact me and I'll help you out.  Again I'm really sorry for any hassle.

Go Here to check out all the bonuses and to purchase......from what I understand the price increases tomorrow so today is probably the best day to do so if you are interested. Just want to be sure you knew about it.

Now a little about our week! Oh my goodness it was like summer last week. We had a storm Sunday morning and things cooled off a lot. Spring can be so unpredictable but I managed to get a little sun kissed last week.

It was a fun busy type of week. I think warmer weather just brings us out and wanting to do more. Missy spent a lot of time with friends......she has a great group of friends and I have to keep reminding myself that she is seventeen and it's a good thing to do with her time.

Matt had a scout camp this weekend where he took first place in the knife and tomahawk throw....who knew ;) and third in skeet shooting.....again I never knew he must have some of his grandpa in him we haven't spent much if any time doing those things. I found it kind of funny.

Homemade Smores

Matt knew there were going to be smores  made around the campfire at the camp-out he also remembered me making these at Christmas time. So he asked if we could figure out how he could have some too.

Here is what we came up with:
We made the marshmallows like we did here. I happened to have a box of whole grain pretty good ingredient graham crackers in food storage so we put a few in a baggie for him along with the homemade marshmallows and some carob chips. He said they were super tasty so of course last night we had to try it out too.  It was cold and windy so we improvised with the "camp fire" They do remind me of the smores I remember and my kids who mainly have not ever tasted such things were quite impressed to say the least. ;)

Healthy Marshmallows!
Alright now for our menu this week. Since it's the week of passover we like to spend a few minutes each evening talking about each night of the last week of Christ's life. And then on Good Friday we like to have a meal that we think may have been similar to one Christ may have had. We even sit on the floor to eat it. The kids love this tradition I will share the recipes we use for it later this week.

On Saturday we do the Easter basket, egg hunt type fun traditions and then Sunday we will be involved in a Easter program at church and then spend the rest of the day with extended family and being full of gratitude for our Savior. It is one of my favorite weeks of the year!

The rest of the week will be Simple. Healthy. and Tasty. as usual. With some fun new recipes from around the web we want to try too. I hope you have a great week and a very Happy Easter!

Veggie Lasagna
Crock Pot Lasagna

Our Weekly Meal Plan:

Creamy Roasted Cauliflower and Artichoke Soup


Sauteed Garlic and Tomato Lentil Salad

Crock Pot Lasagna

Curried Lentils over Rice with flat bread, hummus, dried fruit and nuts and grape juice


Hogi Sandwiches, Pasta Salad, Potato Salad, Blondie Brownies and maybe even some Berry Lemonade or Limeade


  1. Mmmm. Tasty menu. The lentil salad looks really good. I might have to make it for my lunches soon. Don't know that my husband would love it but my daughter and I would enjoy it.

  2. The smores might be on our menu here shortly! All looks good. Thanks for sharing!
