It's Now Called the Mom Conference

Okay remember when someone told me I couldn't call my Chia Recipe what I was calling it. Well I guess that has happened with The Mom Summit oh ah I mean Conference. But I only had to change the title and a couple little things.

Poor Desi and her team has had to change domain name, logos, adds, etc. pretty much a re-branding. But they are doing a great job and are only going to be a week behind. I want to be sure to help out and keep the positive energy of this conference going.

The Mom Summit

The Mom Conference is going to be more fun than shopping in PJs and fuzzy slippers, and more educational than having brunch with Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil and Dr. Spock! And, better yet, it’s ONLINE and FREE from April 7 – April 14, 2014!

Desi Ward, host of The Mom Conference and creator of The Unconventional Kitchen, created this educational and entertaining event because no mom is perfect. That’s why we MUST share our strengths! You know the whole idea “I’ll do your laundry if you do my dishes?” At The Mom Conference we’ll gather together to learn from each other because we’re our greatest resource!

It only takes about 10 seconds to register for FREE at this link!

Being a mom can be overwhelming at times, right?! The Mom Conference contains 30+ online classes to make motherhood more enjoyable. 30 rock star bloggers (mostly moms) will be teaching classes on topics incredibly important, like:

- Cooking a month’s worth of dinners in ONLY a couple hours!
- Getting kids to listen without yelling, nagging or reminding!
- Making sure there’s not just heat in the kitchen, but how to put the sparks in your marriage,    too!

Sounds amazing, right?

Here are a few of the incredible presenters:

Get Kids to Cooperate Without Yelling or Nagging
with AMY MCREADY from

Knock Out a Month’s Worth of Dinners in One Day

Feel Connected in a Disconnected World

I Lost 60 Pounds & Kept it Off: YOU Can Too!
with JEN GROTHE from

Get & Stay Organized: A Fail-proof System
with JENNY LAYTON from

Healthy Marriage: Top 3 Successful Marriage Tips

… along with 20+ additional presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge. This invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for moms everywhere!

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as your registration has been completed!

- FREE Video 1: Creative Ways to Get Kids to Love Fruits & Veggies
- FREE Video 2: Tips & Tricks for Awesome Hair
- FREE Video 3: Make Foaming Hand Soap in One Minute
- FREE Video 4: Find Jeans That Flatter Your Body Type
- FREE Video 5: The Best Tasting Green Smoothie

Come listen ONLINE and be inspired from April 7 – April 14, 2014!

Mom Conference

See you at The Mom Conference from April 7 – April 14!

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