My Weekly Meal Plan

Well things are plugging right along and I'm starting to feel like I'm getting on top of things. Don't you love that feeling!? When things are long overdue for some of your attention and even just focusing a little time everyday makes all the difference.

I got through my bedroom, bath and most of my closet and I'm about finished with my Kitchen and Pantry. Now I'm on to the basement. That should take a couple weeks but I know we will all be happier once it has had a good purging.

I have found that learning for us all and more constructive creative play for the kids goes up dramatically after we do a good purging. That's really important for us as a homeschool family. It's funny how even a little extra clutter can really slow us down and cause us to waste so much time.

I have noticed that the survival mode I have been in has been quite uninspiring to the kids.  Funny how the smallest thing like me spending no more than an hour a day purging and being more proactive can inspire my children to also be more proactive in the things they need to be doing.

My experience has shown me that You, not Them and Inspire, not Require are true principles. They are part of the 7 Keys to Great Teaching (NOT an affiliate link) and I find that they work for more then just our schooling. I'm sure you have all heard the phrase "Example is the best teacher." It is so true! But so often it's not the easiest. But I keep trying.

My kids love eating and like learning to cook good healthy food....Why because I love it and they see me do it everyday. And speaking of food I think I'll quit rambling and get on to this weeks menu.

My Weekly Meal Plan

No-Fuss Potato Soup

Sweet Potato and Mango Tacos

Mac and Cheese Better Than I Remember

Quinoa Burgers

Taco Sundays


Taco Soup


  1. Looks yummy...and surprisingly similar to my menu this week! I have included mac-n-cheese (a baked version that uses veggies and cashews to make the creamy, cheezy sauce), tortilla soup (a recipe given to me by a Mexican friend), and your chilaquiles. Mmmmm.....

  2. Queen Mommy: You may just have to share your baked mac and cheese sounds really interesting. ;)
