My Weekly Meal Plan

my weekly meal plan
Alright so my first week of trying this and I'm a day behind. Isn't that just how it goes? But that's okay I'll just post what we had last night for dinner ;) it's all good.

If you have read my Simply Scheduled ebook you will know that I mostly focus on dinner when it comes to meal planning. Breakfast and Lunch just seem to be okay if they are redundant and maybe even boring.  Smoothie, Oatmeal or Granola usually for Breakfast with a fun big brunch most Saturdays. And Lunch is either Salad, Sandwiches or Leftovers of some sort. I also mention in my ebook that we try to always have a big fresh salad of some sort with dinner. Usually it's just a big green salad with whatever I have thrown in.

Today I'm cooking up a big pot of Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) in the crock pot so it's going to be a chickpea kind of week. I will probably freeze a couple of pints but mostly we will eat them this week.


My Weekly Meal Plan:

Sweet Potato Curry (My daughter whipped this up last night without a recipe it was really good....I'm such a proud Mother ;)....I wrote down what she did, it will become a perfected recipe sometime.)

Flatbread Falafel Sandwich (I'm going make the flatbread from sourdough.....We have tried this a few times it's way good....I'll post a recipe soonish)

Potato Soup (hopefully there will be leftover flatbread to have with this and I think I'll make some hummus too)

Some sort of Curry with Chickpeas (We are getting ever closer to having a handful of some really good curry recipes)



Minestrone Soup (easy to throw into the crock-pot before church)

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