Friends Don't Let Friends Pay Retail!

So we are to the end of the week and there is only one more day left in the bundle sale then it will be back to my usual once or twice a week blog post. But first I have a story about me and my Sister, Emily.....told in her words........

As I was packing my bags for a trip to Utah, I thought of how much I love spending time with my sister. She always has the best ideas and resources in regards to healthy living and I love picking her brain. But, this time I had a little something to pass along to her…and I could hardly wait to get there.

I had recently stumbled across a site called World Health Depot, which had the best deals I had ever seen on herbal supplements, oils and such. I knew that Tammie would appreciate that.

It wasn't long before I was sitting in her living room and we were chatting up a storm. When I couldn't hold it any longer I burst out, "Tammie, you will never believe this...but I have found the best online store ever!" During my explanation, she replied in her nonchalant way, "Oh, I know, I thought I told you about them. I've been ordering stuff from there for a long time!"

 "What?!" I retorted, "And you never told me about it?!" She smiled and said, "Dang... I thought I did." Needless to say, I was slightly deflated…but whatever. Later that evening as I was browsing through some of Tammie's books, a coupon fell out. I picked it up off the floor and read these words in big bold letters: "World Health Depot ::: Friends Don't Let Friends Pay Retail."

I couldn't believe it. When I showed it to Tammie, we both burst out laughing at the irony of it all. That was nearly 5 years ago. Now, every time we find a killer deal on anything, we call/text/email each other with those 6 famous words: Friends Don't Let Friends Pay Retail.

So there you have it my friends....I learned my lesson. 

When this is over (ummm SOON tomorrow midnight EST) PLEASE don't say I didn't tell you about it. Just to be sure you know everything I do I'm going to try to spell it all out right here one. last. time. But first I want to be sure you have heard about the less publicized details.

~ YOU CAN GET THE BUNDLE FOR ONLY $19.98! To do this though you have to buy add one to your cart and then you have the option to get two for the price of one and have them emailed to friends.  That's 3 for $19.98 each.  A even better deal! So if you and friends want to go in on it together or you want to purchase gifts this is a great way to go.

~ There is the option to buy through Paypal! This wasn't an option at first but it is now just so you know.

~It's pre-organized! - You don't have to make all your own files and separate them into categories. It's all done for you. Just download the full zipped file onto your device, unzip and Voila! It's all there and organized for you.

~I was so excited about this......Have you heard of GNOWFGLINS? I have been wanting to sign up for their premium membership for years. I have been part of the FREE Membership for a long time now and have some of the ebooks. I have learned so much (especially when it comes to fermenting and sourdough) but just haven't felt I could justify the premium membership price. Well guess what Wardeh is giving all bundle buyers a chance to purchase her one year premium membership (it's $357) a year for only $87. I have never seen her offer such a great deal! I jumped for that opportunity and since friends don't let friends pay retail I'm making sure I tell you all about it!  You will have an option to add this to your cart during bundle checkout. Obviously it's totally optional.

~My Personal Thank You Bonuses -See those here. Some of you have bought the bundle but you haven't emailed me so I can be sure you get my thank you gifts don't forget to do this.

Now on to the actual bundle!

~86 ebooks the full list and all the details are here but here are a few of my favorites so far......I still have more to read and recipes to try.

  • Sweet Freedom ~ These Recipes look mighty tasty-she has sold her treats and they sell out so they must be.
  • Farewell, Fatigue ~ I've finished reading this one and feel like many women could benefit from it.
  • Love Your Mayhem ~ Every time I have needed a little pick-me-up I have opened up this one
  • A Beginners Guide to Assembling a Natural Medicine Cabinet ~ Simple and basic PERFECT for beginners.
  • High Protein, No Powder ~ Got to love these good ingredients this book is awesome!
  • Eat This, Meal Salads and Whole Food Dressings ~ My husband gets tired of lettuce salads sometimes. ;)
  • Healthy Ice Pops and Frozen Treats ~ They look so fun can't wait for Summer!  
  • The Veggie Book ~ I thought I knew all the ways one could prepare veggies...guess I was wrong.
  • Emergency Preparedness ~ Cause I need more work in that area
  • How to Grow and Use Culinary Herbs ~ Cause I keep practicing but need more help.
  • Refresh ~ As a Mother I just love the sound of that word....I'm enjoying the book too.
Okay, okay, I'll stop there.......It's an amazing resource to have for the RETAIL price of just 2 or three of them. So it's a great deal in and of itself but as you know there is more......

~Get Mentored with online coffee table conversations. It's totally optional but  I'm going to attend!  The list of all 12 classes and who will be teaching them, when they are and all the other fun details can be found here.

~FREE Bonuses!  So many people are way excited about the free detergent and sourdough or kombucha starter.  I'm excited about the Bulk Herb Store video download for 1 cent and the Fit2b (I'm already a member, I love it and I'm going to take advantage of the reduced 1 year membership and save me some $$$).  Check out all the details here.

You know you will be able to start downloading your books right after you purchase!

Now hurry there isn't much time and you still need to share this with your friends because............

Friends Don't Let Friends Pay Retail!

This Sale is now over sorry you missed it. 
Be sure to Subscribe so you can be the first to find out about other like it!


  1. Is this "World Health Depot" real? I googled it and I can't find it. I would love a link if you have one. Thanks!

  2. Cassie: Sorry World Health Depot Was real but their prices must have been too good because they didn't last long. It seems like they were only around for a year or two.

    I still use a mouse pad with their add on it. I goole them every once in a while but can't ever find them. Bummer, I know!

    I get most of my stuff now in bulk from and capsulate it myself to save money. I also make most of my own tinctures now. My recipes on in My Simple Healthy Life ebook.
