Angel Food Cake

So I have this friend who is learning to cook and trying to eat healthy. Can I just say I do a happy dance when young mothers decide they want to feed their family healthy and are even willing to learn to cook if they don't know how.  Anyway she is doing awesome and I'm so proud of her!

Well you know how we all have our very favorite foods that are a family tradition that you don't want to give up?  Angel Food Cake happens to be one of their family favorites that her husband loves to make. 

I have to admit I really enjoyed angel food cake back in the day and you know I even was fooled into thinking that it could be part of a healthy diet because well it is fat free. (yeah I know better now and if you read my blog much I hope you do too)

To be honest though I had not had angel food cake for years.....I mean years like at LEAST 12 and I had never ever made the homemade kind it was always store bought. So this was a new experience for me.  Thus the reason it isn't as pretty as it could be.  Maybe with practice.

I also think it wouldn't be too hard to make it gluten free by replacing the 1 cup of flour for a gluten free cake flour mix or something like that.  I haven't tried it, but I think it would work.

Still not the epitome of health as it's really quite sweet. But it tasted JUST like I remember angel food cake tasting! So for special occasions or once in a while I say ENJOY!

Angel Food healthy as it gets
1 cup whole wheat flour, I grind hard white wheat
1 1/2 cup Sucanat (powdered fine in blender)
Egg Whites from 12 Organic, free range eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tarter
1 cup dehydrated cane juice crystals
1/4 teaspoon Real Salt
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1 1/2 teaspoon almond extract

  • Heat oven to 375°
  • Mix flour and powdered Sucanat
  • Beat egg whites and cream of tarter until foamy
  • Beat in the cane juice crystals on high 2 Tablespoons at a time until stiff and glossy
  • Add salt and extracts with last of cane juice crystals
  • Sprinkle flour and powdered Sucanat mix 1/4 cup at a time (don't beat, but fold in)
  • Pour batter into ungreased angel food cake pan
  • Push spatula into pan to make air bubbles go away
  • Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until dry and crackly
  • Remove from oven and turn upside down on bottle to cool


  1. What are dehydrated cane juice crystals?

  2. They are sugar cane juice that has been dehydrated. Raw/Turbinado or Organic sugar can easily be substituted. They are all basically the same thing.
