Our Camping Meal Plan

I know lots of people are done with their camping trips and family vacations for the season. But for a lot of years now we have made it a family tradition to take our family vacation the week that school starts.  (Oh the benefits of homeschooling)  There just seems to be less crowds no matter where we go.

It's also good timing cause it seems to be just before the garden really starts to produce and needs us around preserving the harvest.  The weather is usually pretty dang good too!

Nine times out of ten our family chooses to go camping for our family vacation.  The kids love it and it's by far the most economical.  Pretty much a win-win!

I thought you might enjoy seeing what we are going to eat while we are camping.  It's totally possible to eat healthy while camping.....I know because we have done it for years.

Breakfast: Granola

Breakfast:  Pancakes, Eggs, Hash Browns
Dinner:  Quinoa Chili, Dutch Oven Potatoes

Breakfast: Instant Oatmeal

Breakfast:  Breakfast Burritos
Dinner:  Taco Soup

Breakfast:  Granola
Dinner:  Leftovers

Snack, Lunch Stuff and Desserts-
Cookies, Popcorn, Trail Mix, Fruit Leather, Hot Carob, Apple Pies, Chickpea Sandwich Stuff, Cabbage Salad, Fruits and Veggies, Bean Dip, Flautas, Chips, Salsa, P.B.&J, Hummus, Crackers

Matt enjoying a Apple Pie Turnover at our last family camping trip!

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