You Are a Writer by Jeff Goins You Are a Writer {So Start Acting Like One} is an ebook about the process of becoming who you already are. It’s a guide for those called to a life of words, a book about passion and calling, striving and sacrifice. Mostly, it’s about writing: the glorious and grisly process of putting your butt in the chair and creating something worth remembering. This ebook will challenge you, call you out, and launch you into the life you should be living — a life of writing.
Self-Publish: Moving from Idea to Product by Erin Ulrich and Teri Lynne Underwood Self-Publish is an ebook for writers intrigued and/or intimidated by the world of self-publishing, writers who value quality and are prepared to devote time to creating an excellent product. With detailed information about each component of a great self-published work, Erin and Teri Lynne guide you from idea to product to help you ask yourself the right questions about four key elements of a successful book -- content, design, audience, and marketing -- with 20 worksheets to help you plan and prepare to write and release your book.
31 Days to Become a Better Writer by Kristina J. Tanner Written for every writer who longs to hone their craft but is pressed for time, 31 Days to Become a Better Writer covers 31 different aspects of your craft with a daily exercise to reinforce that day's topic. This book is beneficial for individual writers by themselves, but can be used effectively in a group setting as well!
How to Market and Sell Your eBook by Sarah Mae Why should print books have all the fun? You can earn a full-time income with e-publishing, and you don't have to be a superstar to do it. Based on her own experience (she's sold over 40,000 in eBooks) and by studying the experiences of other's, Sarah Mae shares the lessons she's learned about communicating your passion to others in a new way and then getting those ideas to the world, one practical and thrilling step at a time in How to Market and Sell Your eBook.
On Becoming a Writer by Denise J. Hughes The world of blogging has revitalized people’s interest in the craft of writing. They want to improve their craft too. In On Becoming a Writer: What Every Blogger Needs to Know, Denise answers thirty-four of the most important questions about writing that bloggers need to ask. What’s the difference between writing advice and editing advice? What if I hated English class? How do I tell my story? With the answers to these questions and more, this e-book will help you become a writer who has something to say and says it well. The Writing bundle is only available through 8am EST on
Monday, 7/15. Get yours today:

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