Life doesn't come with a manual............... comes with a MOTHER.

I recently heard that saying and thought how true it was but then I thought some more.

Where is Mom's manual?
How does Mom learn?
There is so much I wished I had known sooner!
There's still so much I want to learn.
There really isn't a manual.

But there are Mothers.......
lots of them, in the form of Sisters,
Daughters, Aunts, Grandmas, Friends and
of course Mothers!  And we like to teach,
share, and learn.  And these days the way we
go about it is fairly high tech.  I don't think we
even realize how far reaching our influence can be.
Through Blogs, eBooks and Social media etc.  We
still mentor it just looks a little different.

So I started searching, reading, asking and learning.
I think I have found something better than a manual
I have found experience, devotion and help that would be
hard to find all in one place.  Not to mention at such a low price.

I think the process of Mothering was passed on
in a very natural way for many years.
And although this age of experts is handy at times
we can't forget that nature works.  And that God is the only true expert.
There is a lot of suffering that experts can't seem to help.  But I think Mother's can!
I'm looking forward to expanding my learning and passing it on.
I hope you will join me!

It's coming June 10-17 and it's only for one week.  I'll share more details as it gets closer.

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