Lemonade Syrup

Back in April, Bountiful Baskets had cases of Lemons for a super good deal.  I didn't realize how good the deal was until I saw how many lemons were in a case.  So I tried to find ways to use lemon.  I made Lemon Ice Cream and some other dishes that didn't turn out so well.  And of course we made lemonade but I knew it would be nice to have some when it got hot.  So I made some Lemon Syrup and froze it into pint jars.  The other day I got out a pint jar, let it thaw and added about 5 cups cold water to it.  Super easy way to make lemonade and it tasted great to all of us who had been working hard to get our yard in.  Because of the Sucanat it looks more like ice tea then Lemonade but it has a great lemony rich tart flavor.  Hits the spot on a hot Summer day!  Inspired by this recipe.

Lemonade Syrup
3 cups Sucanat
1 cup water
zest of 3-4 lemons
4 cups lemon juice (we like it tart can use less lemon juice if you don't)

Put Sucanat and water into a pot and bring to a low boil until Sucanat dissolves.  Let cool down a bit then add lemon juice and zest and mix in well.  Pour into 3-4 pint jars, leaving plenty of room at the top to expand when frozen.  Place lids on and freeze.  When ready to use thaw then mix into a pitcher with cold water.  I use about 5 cups water to 1 pint of syrup.  You may adjust according to taste.

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