Chewy No-Bake Granola Bars

Homemade Granola Bars

These are our families current favorite granola bars!  Great for a quick filling healthy snack.  Full of essential fatty acids and protein.  Not to mention simple to make and super tasty!

How to make Healthy Granola Bars
Pour melted mixture over dry ingredients.

Energy Bars
Spread on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper that has been sprinkled with carob chips.

How to make Granola Bars
Press into pan and flatten out evenly.

Protein Bars
Sprinkle with more carob chips and lightly press them into the bars.  Chill then cut into bars.

High Energy
Chewy No-Bake Granola Bars

4 cups Rolled Oats
3/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup chia seed
1 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
1 cup raisins
1/4 cup chopped nuts or ground flax seed

Combine above ingredients into large bowl and stir together.

2 cups All Natural Peanut Butter
2/3 cups honey
3/4-1 cup coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon Real Salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 drop natural butter flavor (opt.)

In a saucepan on low heat melt these ingredients together just until melted.  Pour melted mixture over oat mixture in bowl and stir until well coated.  Then turn onto parchment paper cover cookie sheets that have been sprinkled with carob chips.  May use one or two cookie sheets depending on size of sheets and how thick you want your bars.  Press mixture into pan and then sprinkle with more carob chips.  Lightly press carob chips into bars.  Chill until hardened.  I like to put them in the freezer.  Cut into bars after chilled may wrap them individually I usually just layer them into a tupperware with parchment paper in between.  I store them in the freezer.


Perfect Healthy Snack
I figured that since these didn't need baking then why should I use up all my cookie sheets making them!  Plus how often to you have plenty of room in your freezer for 2-3 cookie sheets.  So I found my biggest tupperware type dish.  It's about 10x13.  Then I put in a sheet of parchment paper sprinkled it with the carob chips and then started layering.  This recipe did about 3 layers but I could have fit a least that many more if I had wanted to make more bars.

How to freeze Granola Bars
Then I put the lid on them and froze them and when they were all set up I could just pull out a layer at a time.  Just be sure you put parchment paper in between each layer.

Makes a bunch
There it is one layer pulled out two more layers are still the in tupperware.  Super convenient, doesn't dirty as many dishes and they can easily be stored that way until ready to use.


  1. These look fantastic! Just curious, what brand of carob chips do you use?

  2. Wendy: I buy them in bulk through Azure Standard. I think they are the Grain Sweetened Vegan ones.

  3. Oh Tammie! You are a life saver. I've been sugar free for two weeks and starting to feel the cravings and these look soo yummy! They will definitely quench that need for a little somethin'. Thanks for sharing!

    Melissa S

  4. Where do you buy chia seeds? Can you use any type of seeds instead?

  5. KMDuff: You can get them at the health food store or I have seen them at Costco. You could certainly substitute other nuts or seed in their place!

  6. My dad is allergic to nuts, and I was wondering if there was any good substitute for the peanut butter?

  7. Lindsey Elise" Any kind of nut or seed butter should work unless of course he is allergic to them all. I wonder about just more coconut oil and honey or maybe even some apple sauce it would be a little different but may work. I also want to try a chewy granola bar where you cook the oil and honey to soft ball stage so then it hardens and stays together that way. I haven't tried it yet though. But I know there are lots of granola bars that don't contain peanut butter so it can be done.

    I have another granola bar recipe without nuts that you can find at
    It's baked and is kind of crumbly but really good too.

  8. I made these today and the children and I thought they were soooo good! This is the first time I've ever tasted carob chips and I think they're tastier than milk chocolate chips! Plus, they don't call my name until they're gone like milk chocolate does. Nice! :) Thanks for the recipe!

  9. Made these with cashew butter (son is allergic to peanuts). Did a mix of currants, raisins, and craisins. This was very yummy! Not too sweet either. We all loved it and it will be a regular item for us. We store it in the freezer and when we want some it's quick and easy to get and thaw but it's not so accessible that we binge on them.

  10. Just gave these a try this afternoon and we loved them! Thank you for sharing the recipe!

  11. I think I am making these today. Do you think they are sturdy enough to go to cub scout day camp?

  12. Miss Melanie: They hold together best when cold. So if you have a way to keep them cold like in an ice chest they should be good. Otherwise they may not hold up. They will taste good but if warm end up more like granola.

  13. Okay, so I made these and they are DELICIOUS, but they are not something you could take to scout camp or hiking or something like that, so you were right about that, they turn right into granola (smile) However, my kids have been enjoying them for breakfast or snacks in the house.

    Thanks so much for sharing your recipe!
