Plant Therapy - Giveaway

And the winner is............

Ashley who said...

"These sound so interesting! I'm just starting to learn about essential oils"

Ashley you left your email address so I will notify you and let you know you won!
Thanks to all who entered and to Plant Therapy for the Giveaway!

But that's not all!  Everyone in a winner tonight because Plant Therapy is also offering everyone $10 off any purchaseof $10 or more!
A great way for everyone to get a chance to try these oils for even less!
Just use coupon code:  simplehealthytasty10
(It is good starting tomorrow 2/21 and will expire on 2/28 at 11:59pm MST.  Only one coupon per person and it isn't good toward gift certificates)

I was recently contacted by an essential oil company called Plant Therapy.  They wanted me to try a sample of their oils and let my readers know what I thought.  Now I have tried quite a few oils and for sure have my favorites so I was a little hesitant but then I found out it was started by a Mother of 8 children who is a certified aromatherapist and Naturopathic Doctor and is not a MLM at that point I knew I had to try them!  

I decided to try this set since I love fun blends!  Before they got here and looked around the website and I loved that on each oil description it said how it was extracted.  I prefer steam distilled or cold pressed essential oils and I think it's great that they are up front about how each oil was distracted.  Another thing I noticed was the price oh my goodness so affordable.  I'm pretty ingrained that you get what you pay for when it comes to essential oils but after using some of these oils I'm excited to try more and I felt like you get a pretty decent value for your money.  I have paid more money at times for what I think was lesser quality oils.   One other thing I really, really liked was the explanation on the site about the whole "therapeutic grade" thing.  I have known this to be the case and I thought they did a really good job of explaining it.

After receiving the oils I opened them up right away and smelled each one.  Honestly at first smell I didn't really love the smells but I have had that experience before with lots of other blends that many times have ended up being my favorites.  So I started using them......First I took the Immune-Aid and Germ Fighter and went right to my kids bathroom with them.  I put 4 drops of each in my diffuser and let it run.  You know how kids bathrooms (no matter how many times you clean them) always seem to have this musty not very good smell.  Well right away the room smelt better!  Pretty soon the bad smell was gone and I don't mean covered up it was GONE.  I now diffuse these oils in the kids bathroom every time I think it's starting to get "that smell" again.  Then I tried out the Energy blend....Everyone wants more energy so I put a drop on both my wrists.  Well because of my Simple Healthy Tasty Lifestyle I already have pretty good energy so honestly I didn't notice a huge difference but I have found myself putting it on my wrists again every few days....Maybe there is something to it.  Ryan was going on a business trip so I had him take the Immune-Aid with him to try out.  Well when he realized he had forgot his deodorant he pulled out the oil and looked at the ingredients and thought, "That should work."  So he used it for deodorant and was happy to report and it worked quite well.  That's saying a lot coming from my hard working man!  I'm for sure going to buy and try this oil for him too cause some time those feet.........ummm yeah and I thought the kids bathroom was bad. ;)

Although I don't have much trouble getting to sleep anymore (again I blame it on the Healthy Lifestyle) I do find that a lot of nights when it's time for bed......I simply don't feel tired yet.  So I tried both the Tranquil and Relax at different times and I notice that both of them seemed to be very calming and relaxing.

Now please note that I have only had these oils for about a month and I don't think that's long enough to have a strong opinion about how medicinal these oils are especially since none of us were really sick during that time.  But I do want to introduce you to this company and say that they are worth looking into and getting to know.  I love that they are trying to make essential oils more affordable and from my experience they have great customer service who answered my many questions and they seem to be a great company to work with a good product for a good value.  I will for sure be trying more.

Would you like to try these oils too!?  Enter To Win:

Plant Therapy is giving one lucky reader their Top 6 Synergies Sampler Set which includes:

  • Sensual (Aphrodisiac)
  • Energy (Physical Energy)
  • Germ Fighter (Like Thieves)
  • Relax (Physical Relaxation)
  • Immune-aid (Immune System Booster)
  • Tranquil (Emotional Stress Relief)
To enter leave a comment on this post or on the Simple. Healthy. Tasty. facebook post.  For an additional entry "Like" Plant Therapy's facebook page and leave an additional comment here letting me know.

This giveaway will end at 8:00 p.m.MST on Wednesday 2/20.  The winner will be selected randomly and will be posted a few minutes later and will need to contact me and claim the prize within 24 hours or it will be awarded to the next randomly drawn winner.  Feel free to leave your email in your comment if you would like me to contact you if you win.  GOOD LUCK!


  1. That sounds awesome! We just got our first defuser and love it!

  2. This would be great! Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I don't think my original comment got posted because I wasn't logged in to my account. So, here's my second try. :) I'm just getting in to using essential oils after learning about them over the last couple of years. I tried peppermint oil during the flu season as well as for headaches. I also tried the guardian blend and lemon grass on my son's wart. It seemed like it was working but just wasn't completely getting rid of it. In the end we added some wart pads and it has died off pretty quickly. Although the lemongrass and guardian blend didn't get rid of it outright I do feel like they helped move things along and helped his body fight the infection. I'm still a little hesitant to spend a lot of money on essential oils because so many people see them as some sort of panacea. I think they help but I feel like they're just one component of a larger strategy of keeping us healthy. It would be good to try some of these out without having to make a major investment.

  4. These sound awesome!! Love to use oils & am loving your site. Thanks. :)

  5. Just last month I found out about essential oils and I am very interested in trying them. Thanks for giving me one more option to look into.

  6. I "Like" Plant Therapy's facebook page.

  7. Intriguing. I've only ever used doTerra oils....and I use them a lot. This would be a lovely (and less expensive) alternative. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.

  8. I liked Plant Therapy on Facebook.

  9. This is fantastic! We are just getting into using the oils and I would love to try these. Thank you.

  10. This is wonderful! We are just beginning to really learn more about using oils. I am loving what they have done for us so far and would love to check out what this company has to offer. Thank you!

  11. I'm excited to look at their website more. They sound like really good oils!

  12. I would LOVE to try some new oils! Thanks for the opportunity.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. These sound so interesting! I'm just starting to learn about essential oils


  15. i have been trying to incorporate cleaner methods of health care for my family. I've wanted to try essential oils but have been unsure of where to start and which provider to trust. Thank you for the giveaway!

  16. I like the idea that covers bad bathroom smells with 3 boys myself that would be a dream!!!!

  17. Liked Plant Ther. on FB and I also wanted to add to my comment as well that I am a newbie when it comes to this and looking forward to trying! Thanks for the opportunity for a chance.

  18. I'm just learning about essential oils! Would love to try!!!

  19. I'm a total believer in essential oils and after using them for a long time I've converted over to using doTERRA oils, but I am not opposed to learning about other companies and their products. Plus, I love to learn about blends! It's fascinating what oils do for people and blends are amazing! I'd dig having these Plant Therapy oils in my arsenal! empowerwellbeing at gmail dot com. Thanks!

  20. I would love to try these oils. I have just started learning about essential oils.

  21. I would love to try these out too!

  22. I'd love to try out their products. Always open to new, great sources of things to help me and my family be healthy.

  23. I would love to try a new brand of oils. Thank you!

  24. These look great! And I LOVE the huge assortment of carrier oils they have - totally getting lots!
    So, I did like their page, and as always, lovin' yours!

  25. I'm so glad I found out about Plant Therapy, I was just about to join another company which prices are so high! I'd love to win this set:-)

  26. I'm so glad I found out about Plant Therapy when I was just about to join another Essential Oil Company which prices are so high! I'd love to win this set:-)

  27. I love essential oils especially that we live in a rural area where doctors are closed generally on the weekends. I can also add that special "mom " touch when I can rub on them makes me and them feel better.

  28. I just heard about Plant Therapy. I am so excited to try them since they are so reasonably priced!

  29. I have liked Plant Therapy's facebook page.

    e-mckim at yahoo dot com

  30. It would be great to try out this brand of oils. I like that it is not a MLM company .

  31. Thanks for including the science info. As a chemistry geek I like to know those details and do my research! Thanks, Tammy!

  32. I'd love to try these. Thanks for the giveaway!

  33. I would love to try these. Thanks! I also liked on Facebook!

  34. Awesome I would love to try these!

  35. Love essential oils and would be so happy to try these out!

  36. I like Plant Therapy on Facebook:-)

  37. I like Plant Therapy on Facebook. FB name; Shirley Dubon.

  38. I am just learning more about essential oils and would love to try this brand!

  39. I would love to try these!

  40. I love essential oils! These would be great to try.

  41. Thanks for getting the word about about these. They sound great!

  42. I would love to try these. I am always looking for ways to help my family stay well and healthy.

  43. I also "liked" the facebook page.

  44. Would love to get the chance to try these :) Thanks so much!

  45. Also, "liked" plant therapy on facebook! :)

  46. would love to try these
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  47. i like pt on fb (tina wofford page)
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  48. I would love to try these. Less expensive would be awesome!

  49. I love using oils, these seem really great !
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  50. would to try, havent really used oils in the past!

  51. these sound great! Thanks for the giveaway!

  52. Karen Goodwin Delaney likes Plant Therapy on facebook

  53. I'm always on the lookout for ways to help my family be healthier. Thanks for the giveaway!

  54. I like the idea of these blends--I'd never heard of this company before.

    klconn7 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  55. Thanks for the giveaway!! I love essential oils:)
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  56. Thanks for the giveaway!! I love essential oils! annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  57. I like them on fb (i'm anne dall on fb). initial entry may have been sent twice...if so, can you delete the duplicate? Thanks, Christina anne
    annejk112233 at yahoo dot com

  58. THis would be amazing! I've always wanted to try these!

    kimc767 at

  59. Also, liked on FB!

    kimc767 at

  60. My sister introduced me to essential oils. I would love this.

  61. I like on FB
    Maria Nay Kiguthi

  62. I love trying new essential oils!

    Danielle Williams

  63. I liked plant therapy on FB

    Danielle Williams

  64. I would love to try these blends. I'm still a newbie with essential oils and this seems like a great start!

  65. I have been reading about essential oils and would love to try them!
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  66. I liked Plant Therapy on FB as Mary Beth Elderton
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  67. wow, what a great giveaway! I'm definitely intrigued by this company...

    dedelandblog at

  68. I would love to try these. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  69. Thanks for a a very honest review! I'd love to win this set!

  70. I liked Plant Therapy on FB!

  71. I would love to try these oils. Thanks for the gaw. sweetbettysue at gmail dotcom

  72. TheSavySue(at)yahoo(dot)com I would love to try these! Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. TheSavySue(at)yahoo(dot)com sue.bunting.7 liked Plant Therapy on FB

  74. Oh my gosh! I could definitely use these!!!

  75. I also liked plant therapy on facebook! ginger starr gisi

  76. I have been wanting to try essential oils for a while, I just wish they weren't so expensive. Thank you for the giveaway!

  77. I follow Plant Therapy on FB as Sherri Caudill Lewis

  78. I am super interested in the Germ Fighter one.

  79. liked on fb

  80. anything natural to help is beneficial

  81. i have used essential oils pretty much all my life i would love to win these :)

  82. What a great set. I'd love to try them!

  83. I have heard so many wonderful things about oils and have wanted to try them! Thanks for the chance

  84. Liked Plant Therapy on FB
    Kimberly Summer Pollock

  85. I almost didn't make it. I'm battling the flu so needless to say I would love to give these a try. I'm fairly new to essential oils. Thanks for the chance.

  86. I also liked the facebook page.

  87. I'd like to try the relaxation oil.
    Gingeroo616 at AOL dotcom

  88. I'd like to try the relaxation oil.
    Gingeroo616 at AOL dotcom

  89. I would love to try these natural oils. They sound awesome! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you!

  90. Like Plant Therapy Facebook page. Kristie Morrison Donelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you!
