Barley Soup

This soup is so good in the Winter time!  We love having it on our shelves.  To stretch the soup to feed our family using only one or two quarts of it, sometimes we will add a few potatoes some green beans, some cabbage and whatever else we have that sounds good at the time.  By itself or as a soup base it's great either way!  To make this soup be sure you have a very large pretty much HUGE pot!  Unless you cut the recipe in half, because it makes over 20 quarts!  For more info on canning with tomatoes go here!

Barley Soup
1/2 bushel tomatoes, scalded, peeled and mashed
3 cups hulled barley
5 pounds onions, peeled and chopped
1 large bunch celery, chopped
30 carrots sliced
1/2 cup Sucanat
1/2 cup Real Salt
1 large bunch parsley, chopped
1-2 quarts water

Put all veggies together in the water except for the tomatoes and barley.  Add Sucanat and salt cook until barely tender.  Add tomatoes and barley simmer for five minutes.  Pour into clean quart jars, put lids on tight and water bath can....boil for 30-40 minutes.  Remove jars to cool on a heat proof surface.  Let cool to seal jars.  Be sure all jars are sealed before putting them on the shelf.  Makes about 21 quarts of soup.


  1. Tammy,

    How beautiful your canning is! You amaze me getting that much canning done, after just moving in! Tell me, how many tomatoe plants did you plant? How many rows of beets to get that? How many rows of cabbage to make your sour kraut?

  2. Emily: I still have nothing hanging on my walls but jars are full in my food storage room. ;) We were packing up, putting stuff in storage and moving to my parents at this time last year so I did very little canning/food preservation. I'm making up for it this year.

    We planted just over 20 tomato plants. Two rows of beets, will for sure do more next year when we add more garden boxes. We had about 8 heads of cabbage but only used 4 or 5 for canning we ate the up the rest we love cabbage around here!

  3. We planted just over 20 plants and got only enough to make some sun dried tomatoes. I have got to figure out what we did wrong that is so sad to me to not have a turn out like that. Yum yum on the cabbage! I am so glad you got to have a bountiful harvest especially after the waiting. Did you guys build or buy?

  4. This is my absolutely most favorite soup!! Delicious warm or cold! Thanks for sharing! Love you, Mom

  5. Emily: Ryan learned from a farmer at a CSA we were a part of for a while how to get a big yield. I should do a post about how we do it. We get them growing in bunches like grapes. It's pretty cool.

  6. Tammie, did you ever do your post about growing large tomatoes?

  7. Julie: I did this post.
