Hungry for Change

Hey guess what?!?!  Remember this movie I told you about a while ago?  You can sign up and watch an online screening for free starting March 21st for 10 days! Click here to check it out!

Have you seen this?  I was fairly impressed!  I told Ryan that I felt like it contained most all the info on diet and healthy weight loss that took me more than 15 years to learn and gather.  Would have saved me a lot of time and effort if it had been made sooner. ;)   Worth taking the time to see!!


  1. We saw it and really enjoyed it. I thought it had a lot of great information too. It was good for me to watch and get some more motivation to make the right choices. Sometimes I need that!

  2. Where did you watch this? Did you buy the DVD?

  3. Catherine: There was an online showing a while back. I think I would like the DVD though Netflix may also have it.

  4. It is available for streaming on Netflix; the kids and I watched it yesterday! Really, really good!

  5. I found your blog about a week ago while searching for healthy recipes. Thanks for sharing! :) Now I'm totally ready to purge my pantry, but I have to take it slower than I'd like so that my children don't notice too much and complain. I have been looking online for certain ingredients in your recipes (some I've never even heard of) and many of them seem to be a lot more expensive than their unhealthy counterparts. However, I believe "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!" So, what costs more: a lifetime supply of better quality, healthier food (thus a healthier/happier body) OR a lifetime supply of processed/junk food and medication/treatment for chronic diseases/illnesses? Anyway, I think I'll start with converting our sweet treats to homemade "healthified" ones and then move on to meals. Thanks for blogging! :)

  6. Sara H: I think the transition can seem a little pricey but we have found that it levels out. Buying in bulk helps and food co-ops help save lots! Love your thoughts sounds like you are on the right track! I hope my blog will be helpful.
