Stuffed Zucchini

These are a tasty way to use up lots of Zucchini in one simple meal!  This is the time of year that I love to make Stuffed Zucchini.  I don't make it when I have to buy the zucchini. But I never have to buy Zucchini in late summer or early fall.

Ryan loves these!  He loved taking the leftovers to work for lunch!  I have found though that they should be covered during part of the cooking time.  The first time I made Stuffed Zucchini, they got over cooked and chewy on the top and then the second time I didn't let them get quite done enough.  (See pictures below)  Maybe learning from my mistakes yours will turn out perfect!  Good Luck,

Stuffed Zucchini
4 cups Brown Rice or Quinoa, cooked
1-2 cups walnuts, crumbled fine in food processor
1 cup Cheezy Sauce, or more for desired consistency
1 Tablespoon Tahini, optional
Juice of half a lemon or one lime
1/2 teaspoon chili powder and/or Mexican seasoning
1/2 teaspoon cumin, optional
Real Salt and pepper to taste
1 small bunch of cilantro, chopped (parsley would work if preferred)
2-3 fresh tomatoes, chopped
6-8 medium sized zucchini's, sliced in half the long way and seeded (like in picture)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In a large bowl stir in all ingredients except zucchini.  Take the filling and fill up each half of zucchini.  Place on a cookie sheet or cake pans and cover and bake for about 20 minutes or until zucchini is tender.  Then uncover and bake just until filling has lightly browned on top. (about 10 more minutes)


  1. Looks yummy! I have a question! I know for pan frying etc iron skillets are best but what materials are your pots made of?

  2. Kimberley: My pots are stainless steel, my frying pans are stainless or cast iron and my bake ware is glass or stoneware.

  3. HOLY YUM! My hubs isn't the biggest fan of anything remotely "squashy" but hey maybe I'll just pretend like I forgot that one night and see if he'll go for it anyway, heh heh!
