Simply Scheduled: On The Go

Healthy Menu Plans for Camping, Picnics, BBQ's and Traveling Tips for Eating Good On The Go!

I get a lot of questions about how to eat right away from home and what we do when we travel.  As I thought about it I realized we had a pretty good routine that made it easy to eat good away from home, but I was having to make my lists and plan it every time!  I found myself putting off the planning part!  But the planning is essential for ease in packing, not forgetting what you need and doing it all in a timely manner!  I also noticed that our meals on the go were fairly routine too!  But all the work in planning and lists just got scratched off and thrown away!  Why didn't I have a better system.  I'm not organized by nature but I love things to be simple and the only way that happens is to have some systems and routines in place.  So I look for simple things to save me time.  All my ebooks have been made to do just that!  Save time!!  That's why I'm so excited to have this book.  I will save so much time planning our Picnics, BBQ's, Camping and other trips!  Now if the weather will just cooperate!

It's over 80 pages!
It's planned for you, or flexible!
Detailed enough that you can pick and choose!
Make your own plan or follow mine!
Either way it will save you so much time!
I hope this book will help make travel fun, healthy and enjoyable for ALL!
See additional information below.

Over 80 pages of charts, lists, menus AND recipes!
Recipe cards included with each menu,
AND included an entire On The Go recipe book in traditional format!
OVER 50 RECIPES!  Many of them not seen yet on this site!
Keep your life simple and ORGANIZED while on the go!
Save Lots of Time. All for ONLY $9.95

Intro……………………………................. page 4
5 Days of Camping Menus…………page 6
Done for you, complete with shopping lists and recipes
Do it Yourself Camping Menus…page 26
Menus for Picnics and BBQ’s… 37
Tips for Traveling………………………page 55
Eating Good On The Go Recipe 59


  1. Broken link on "Take A Peek Inside!" pdf above.

  2. Anonymous: Sorry, it's fixed now.
