Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream

I've been wanting to post this recipe for a while now!  I'm finally getting around to doing it!  This is super tasty!  Reminded me about back in my college days of our regular trips to D.Q. to get a breeze.  (See even back then I was trying to get what I thought was the "healthier" version!  The breeze was frozen yogurt, the blizzard was regular ice cream.  Not really sure now if one was any better for you than the other but at the time I thought it was!  All I know is that both were full of WAY too much sugar and not very good kinds of fat along with who knows what else!  They also contributed to a pretty substantial weight gain for me during those college days! *Sigh*  If I only knew then what I know now! ;)

Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream
2 Cans coconut milk (not light)
1 quart of Rice milk
1-2 Tablespoons Vanilla
1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter (optional)
1 1/2-2 cups raw sugar or Sucanat
Homemade peanut butter cups cut into chunks
ice cream machine
ice cream rock salt
plenty of ice for ice cream machine

Mix first 5 ingredients all together till smooth if the coconut milk is very thick you may want to blend ingredients in blender first so it is well blended. Just don't over blend at too high of a speed, this causes coconut milk to separate and you will have the wrong texture! Put into your ice cream maker container. Follow the instructions on your ice cream machine to freeze.  When the ice cream is just about frozen add the peanut butter cup chunks so they will be blended in well.  Let it continue to freeze until done.


  1. This looks sooo yummy. I have a cusinart automatic frozen yogurt-Ice Cream-Sorbet Maker...could i use it to make this recipe?

  2. Mmmmmmmmmmm. That about sums up my thoughts at the moment.

  3. Jamber: You bet you could! Depending on the size of the maker you may need more or less it can easily be halved or doubled. This recipe makes about 2 quarts.

  4. Oh this looks good. My son wants some right now! Can you use the coconut milk in the carton instead of the cans or would that not work?

  5. Tammy: I bet it would work especially if it isn't "light" or "low fat" or something like that. You could even just use it in place of the rice milk too. It would be about 7 1/2 cups milk total. There is about 3 1/2 cups in the 2 cans of coconut milk and 4 cups in the quart of rice milk. Hope that makes sense. ;)

  6. It does. Thank you. I know what we are having for treat today!

  7. What a cawinky dink, this is what I was making today, I have the peanut butter cup made from your recipe essentially in the freezer, and am making the frozen yogurt icecream as we I have another recipe, whew hoo!

  8. Delicious! We used all coconut milk and used coconut sugar for the sweetener. It worked! That is truly amazing. Who needs D.Q. when you have a recipe like this? Thanks Tammie! A keeper for sure!

  9. Thanks for posting the receipe, It is Delicious....
