Coleslaw, made without dairy or sugar

Don't forget about the giveaway!

I wanted a good coleslaw recipe that was easy to throw together.  I did a little research then wrote out this recipe.  The first time we made it I was making something else in the kitchen and Ryan was helping me put this together.  Although I had made up the recipe I didn't remember how much lemon juice it took, so when he asked how many Tablespoons were in one lemon I didn't even think about it.  I just answered that there is usually 1-2 Tablespoons in a lemon depending on the size.  So he juices 2 lemons and puts all the juice in.  I go to test the sauce to see if it's sweet enough and I'm like, "Wow that's sour."  I ask Ryan how much lemon he put in he says 4 Tablespoons.  I look at the recipe and see that he has confused Tablespoons for teaspoons.  I add extra agave and announce we will be having extra lemony coleslaw. ;)  Missy laughs at her Dad in understanding because years ago when she was learning how to cook I had to teach her to be careful of the same thing.

I proceed show Ryan that in my recipes to help not confuse the two I ALWAYS use a capital T in Tablespoons.  He felt pretty sheepish he's really a pretty good cook.  I try to be good and not get frustrated because I want him to continue to be willing to help out in the kitchen! Good thing we weren't having company. ;)  Everyone ate the coleslaw and liked it just fine but it was better the next time we made it with less lemon.  Ryan even said, "Yeah I like it better with less lemon!"  It's super easy and quick, (especially if you have Sunflower Seed Sour Cream already made in your fridge) and of course it's Tasty and Healthy!

Vegenaise to desired creaminess
Drizzle agave to desired sweetness
2-4 Tablespoons Sunflower Seed Sour Cream
2-4 teaspoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons stone ground mustard, optional
½ teaspoon celery seed
Salt and Pepper to taste
1-2 green onions, sliced, optional
1-2 bags of coleslaw

Take first 7 ingredients and mix together well.  Add coleslaw and optional onions stir well.

1 comment:

  1. I love that story. Aside from your many talents, one of the reasons you have become such a great "healthy food" chef is because dear Ryan and the kids are such good sports when mistakes are made. They just eat anyway! That is especially impressive to me, considering the finicky-ness of certain people for whom I cook!
    That leaves you free to experiment without wasting good food. Grand job! By the way, I love tangy cole slaw, and yours looks so delicious!
