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Let's Continue Celebrating!

This Giveaway is Now Closed! Thanks to everyone who participated I wish I could give you all something!!!!

We have another Winner!   By the way I haven't heard from TINA our Wednesday winner.  Please contact me I have no way of contacting you.

Okay Today's winner, Selected from Random.org is............

Maile who said:  Sign me up! Maile be sure to contact me with your mailing address and email so I can get your goodies to you!
We have our next Winner!  Again Selected by Random.org the winner is...............

Tina who said:  Entry #1: I'd LOVE to win this package. I've been wanting to try making some of these things myself!  Tina be sure to contact me with your mailing address and email so I can get your goodies to you!

We have our first WINNER this morning!  I went to Random.org so the winner was drawn totally random and the winner is................................

Brandi who said: "Love your recipe book! It's made implementing the calendar so much more user friendly! Thank you. I would love to try some of your products I haven't had the guts to make yet"  Brandi be sure to contact me with your mailing address and email so I can get your goodies to you! 


I think we should do another giveaway!  How about in Honor of Valentine's Day we celebrate ALL WEEK with a Healthy Lovers Gift Basket Giveaway!  The "basket"...well it will probably be in a box or envelope, but it will be filled with following Healthy, HOMEMADE, all natural ingredient goodies...
- My Lip Balm
- My Lotion Bar
- My Fizzy Bath Bomb
- A FREE download of my newest Main Dishes cook eBook!
Doesn't that sound fun!

We will all have a LOVEly Valentine's Week spreading the word. Because beginning Monday morning we will have a drawing to give away the first gift basket! The MORE entries we have, the MORE baskets we will giveaway. So follow the instructions below to enter and have fun sharing Love the Simple. Healthy. Tasty. way!  GOOD LUCK!

You can enter the contest several ways. The more you enter, the better your chances of winning. Here's how.
To enter once just post a comment!
For another entry, become a fan on facebook and comment that you did. Or comment and tell me you already are a fan.
A third entry, post about this giveaway somewhere, (on facebook, your blog, etc.) then comment and let me know where I can see your post.
And for yet another chance to win, post my button on your blog and comment to let me know where I can check it out. (look for the "Add My Button" option below on the right hand side of my blog.)

That's it! I hope you all have a Very Special Valentines with all the sweet ones you love!


Ellen said...

I was just introduced to your blog yesterday, and I am excited about implementing some of your ideas in order to help improve my health.

Ellen said...

p.s. I actually just posted your button on my blog yesterday, when I first discovered your blog. Here is a link to my blog, with the button on the sidebar: http://lnsbragbook.blogspot.com/

Ellen said...

Here is my third entry for your giveaway. :-) I just put a post on my blog inviting anyone who reads it to check out your blog. I hope to win your giveaway contest! I would love to enter again, but I'm not sure what you mean about becoming a fan. If you mean on Facebook, then I'll have to pass as I don't do facebook anymore. If you mean a fan of your blog, then please know that I already am!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh this looks like a fantastic giveaway! Thank you for such a fun opportunity!


Vanessa said...

I am totally in!

Vanessa said...

I've posted this on my blog just now.

Vanessa said...

I am already a fan as well.

Vanessa said...

I have a button on my blog also...thanks for doing this. Can't wait!


Fellars Family said...

I would love to try your homemade things. Great give away!

Jennifer said...

This looks so neat!

Maile said...

Sign me up!

Maile said...

Already a fan on fb!

Queen Mommy said...

Sounds lovely!

Queen Mommy said...

I'm a fan on FB.

Queen Mommy said...

Your button is on my blog: http://tranafamily.blogspot.com

Jena said...

I really want this one!!!

Unknown said...

I am loving the new format. Your recipes are awesome. My family is really enjoying a more healthy variety because of you. Thanks for all you do for us. This giveaway sounds so wonderful!

Unknown said...

I am already a follower on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I put this on my facebook page! Thanks!

Dolly said...

I am already a fan on Facebook.

Dolly said...

I would so love to win this prize. My hubby isn't generally a Valentines gift giver, so this could be my Valentines gift.

Dolly said...

Hey I posted your link on my Facebook page. Thanks!

Kathy said...

I've been using some of your recipes! THank YOu! I have been changing my eating habits again, back to what I know is right, and the weight is dropping off. I would LOVE to win this basket, thanks for the offer.

LucyH said...

Ooh I would love to win this!

LucyH said...

I added a button to my blog at aaronandlucyhansen.blogspot.com

LucyH said...

I blogged about your giveaway too and the same site!

Courtney said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better!

Anonymous said...

I am entering here! This would be so cool! By the way, did you say you get your coconut oil from Mountain Rose Herbs? How long does a five gallon bucket last, and does it store well (is it suitable for food storage)?

--Diane, a fan

Anonymous said...

Just a heads up on one more reason to stay away from not only artificial flavorings, but "natural" ones as well: go to healthy-holistic-living.com and look up: "Is it real, or is it Senomyx? How new flavor technology tricks our taste buds" by Lynn Stratton, to see what the big-name food companies are doing to us now! I found your site and lifestyle just in time!

--Diane (You don't have to publish this, but you can if you want to. Be warned: The article is detailed and upsetting, but we need to be informed about our food.)

Eileen said...

What a fun giveaway! Thanks!
matthfam at gmail dot com

Eileen said...

I'm a fan on facebook.
matthfam at gmail dot com

uniquelynat said...

Oh man I am SO excited about this giveaway! I just saw you blog for the first time last week. 2 weeks ago I made a lifestyle change and your recipes and ideas go right along with what I am doing. And I have already lost some weight as well. I haven't even started exercising yet either! I am so excited and would LOVE to have your cook book!

uniquelynat said...

i am also a fan on facebook!

uniquelynat said...

i blogged about your give away

uniquelynat said...

i added your button to my blog!

Amber said...

Here are 2 entries for me-- I have your button on my blog--todoron.blogspot.com . I'm excited to try your deodorant and lip balm recipes. thanks for giving me good ideas for dinner-- we are having your o mein recipe tonight!

Aunt Louise said...

I love this blog! (And I hope I'll win the fantastic "basket").

megandjon said...

i really enjoy your blog! you have a real talent!

Aunt Louise said...

Hi, I just added your blog to my list of sites I follow on http://louwynn.blogspot.com/.

Aunt Louise said...

Hi, I've also added a post about your site to my blog, http://louwynn.blogspot.com/.

Brandi said...

Love your recipe book! It's made implementing the calendar so much more user friendly! Thank you. I would love to try some of your products I haven't had the guts to make yet!

Brandi said...

Love your blog and have been following your calendar of meals since January! Thanks!!

Brandi said...

My last comment was for having your button on my blog (but I forgot to mention that) this on is because I am a fan on FB!

The Salcidos said...

hi tammie!
miss seeing you guys and talking with you. i'd love for you to show me how make my own stuff sometime! thanks!

The Salcidos said...

hi tammie
miss talking with you and seeing you guys. thanks for sharing all this great stuff!

Brianna C said...

YIPEE!! :)

Brianna C said...

I am a fan on FB :) :)

Brianna C said...

I shared your giveaway on FB :) Thanks Tammie, fun to see all the big steps Simple, Healthy, Tasty is taking. Thanks for all your work in sharing with so many!

food storage diva said...

Looks like a great giveaway! I'm entering. :)

food storage diva said...

I'm already a fan on facebook.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a wonderful giveaway! :)

Anonymous said...

I like you on Facebook now! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this one will count or not, but I already have your button on my blog. However, it's private...but you can ask Emily, she'll confirm that it's there! :)

Myrna Foster said...

Thanks, Tammie!

Myrna Foster said...

And I LIKE you on FB now.

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

i'm loving the blog! not such a small world! my sister knows your mom who got me and my entire family of 12 hooked! we're always trying to find new, healthy ways to eat! thanks for all of the great ideas!

Aunt Louise said...

Hi, I've also put a button on my blog for your site and have posted about it: http://louwynn.blogspot.com/

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

Wow! Sounds like a great giveaway! Count me in!!

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

Also, I am a fan on FB.

Aimee - Choose To Be Better said...

And I posted about your giveaway on FB.

carol said...

thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I hope I win! Could you throw in some of your homemade deoderant too: ) I'll pay you for it:) Thanks for everything!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I am already a fan too!!

Anonymous said...

I just posted your giveaway on my facebook page. It is on my page Mandi Evans Hamilton. :)

Steph said...

Love your blog. It keeps inspiring me.

Mandi said...

Hi! Here is my comment, and I'm already a fan, and I posted about you on my facebook! (Mandi Evans Hamilton) I would also love a free sample of your homemade deoderant...: ) Or I could just break down and make some myself! Thank you for everything!!!! I just made some DELICIOUS healthified no bake cookies with carob, sucnant, oatmeal,vanilla, sea salt and coconut oil! They were so satisfying I only ate a few, and with the regular recipe I could eat a whole batch! You are an inspiration... We all love you!!!

Rebekah said...

This is great, as always. Thanks!

Stephanie said...

How did I miss this giveaway until now?! Looks like a great one! Thank you! :)


Stephanie said...

I'm a fan on FB. :)


Stephanie said...

Shared on FB.


Rebekah said...

Great giveaway!

Rebekah said...

Facebook fan, too!

Cherie said...

Looks like fun!

Sandra M said...

Oh wow! This looks like so much...you're the best! I absolutely love your blog. I make something from your recipes atleast once a week.

Jen said...

Wow! I love your blog! I have been making a lot of these changes slowly over the years but I am too in love with dairy to part with it. Maybe your blog will give me the courage!

Jen said...

P.S. I put your button on my blog http://thephilosophiesofjen.blogspot.com

Jen said...

Is becoming a fan on facebook the same thing as "liking" your page. Because that is what I did.

Tina said...

Entry #1:
I'd LOVE to win this package. I've been wanting to try making some of these things myself!

Tina said...

Entry #2:
I'm a fan on Facebook.

Amy G. said...

Count me in! I enjoy your blog, but wish my family were more on board with healthier eating.

holley family said...

I just found your blog and I am IN LOVE! Thanks for all your wonderful advice and sharing! (and giveaway :)

Amy said...

So happy for your success! I just posted a plug for you on the Jacob's Cove CSA blog.

Best wishes,


Mary said...

I'd love to win!

Mary said...

I'm a fan on fb!

Jessica said...

Oh My Goodness!!!! I could really use some main dish ideas since my husband's shocking heart attack a few months ago (he's only 34). Well, the stress has taken it's toll on me so maybe some pampering is in order as well! HA! He would never tell me that though...he always kisses me goodmorning and I couldn't imagine ever being happier despite everything we've been through. Tammie, I really love all your posts and I cannot stress to you about how much it has helped us. You are a doll. Hope your family was surrounded with love on Valentines!

Jessica said...

I think these giveaways are fantastic. I'm a longtime faithful follower.

Terra said...

I love your blog and have followed it for sometime. I added your button to my new blog which is http://terrascottage.blogspot.com
What a great way to help us with the meal plans. I'll have to give them a try. Thanks for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Please pick me.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan on facebook.

Catherine said...

Count me in! I love your recipes, especially your sweet potato fries. YUM!

Catherine said...

I'm now a fan on facebook.

Catherine said...

I just shared about your giveaway on my facebook wall http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1644482863

Catherine said...

Finally, I added your button to my blog, but it's a private blog so you won't be able to see it, but I promise it's there, and now all my friends will be able to see the button and check out your fabulous ideas! :)