If you have looked around the new site and read in my story you have probably seen the picture of me in this very cute apron! You probably can't see it but embroidered on the front in lime green is Simple Healthy Tasty! I love it! I feel so cute and feminine working in my kitchen! It's funny but it helps me take a little more pride in my work! Homemaker is BIG part of my job I try really hard to take it seriously! I even just love the word Homemaker it ties in so many things. I make a home for my family it gives them a nice place to be fed, physically, emotionally, and spiritually! It gives them a place of safety and refuge where they can feel "AT HOME," where they can be themselves, where they are nurtured and loved! A home is the perfect environment for all to learn and grow! It's the GREATEST job in the world and I'm so happy and blessed to have it! Now I just feel a little more Motherly, and Womanly with this cute apron! Would you like to know where I got it? I got it from Aprons by Amy! Go check out her site it's full of very, very cute aprons and she also appears to really enjoy her job of Homemaker too! Thanks for the added inspiration Amy!
- Lip Balm (this is so fun I can't wait to share)
- More focus on posts about herbs and Natural Healing/Living
- More tutorial type posts
- I have a super yummy granola recipe that I'm coming up with multiple flavors that I can't wait to perfect so I can share! I'm so excited this stuff reminds me of the really expensive granola you can buy only way BETTER!

I love cute aprons like this...they make me feel feminine even when I look like death warmed over by dinner time.
And you look fabulous in yours!
Love your thoughts. Love that daughter of yours...sign her up as recipe contributor!
Have a splendid day!
You look so cute in the apron. Your blog is looking great. How about posting that potato carrot swirl soup recipe. Looks yummy. Also the chocolates. mmmm, mmmm.
Love you, Mom
Thanks for visiting FIMBY. Through your comment I found your site. Very cool. I'm following along. Hoping to find some recipes and inspiration.
You look so pretty in this picture. :) You look so healthy, happy and pretty. I am impressed w/ your daughter's pics, a chip off the old blockette, eh?
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