Caramel Apples

I'd say it's the perfect time of the year for these and since we didn't tank up on junk this week they are sounding pretty tasty! ;)  I was at my Sister's this weekend and her house smelled so delicious just like Caramel Apples!  It's funny what orange crunchy leaves, smells and a chill in the air will make me love this time of the year even when it's colder than I really want it to be!

Caramel Apples Made Better
Apples, washed stem removed stick inserted on top (I used 19 medium to small Macintosh, that's what I had, Granny Smith are always good too if they are large Apples you may use only 10-12)
2 cups Sucanat
2 pinches of Real Salt
1 cup Vanilla Maple Syrup (how to make this below)
1/3 cup agave
1/2 cup coconut cream
4 Tablespoons coconut oil (mixed with a drop or two of butter flavor if desired)

To Make Vanilla Maple Syrup
Just combine 100% pure maple syrup and vanilla extract to equal one cup.  If you are using my homemade vanilla I did about 3/4 cups syrup and 1/4 cup vanilla because I wanted plenty of vanilla flavor and mine isn't quite as strong.  If you are using regular vanilla extract 1-2 teaspoons mixed with the syrup to make one cup should be plenty.  Feel free to use more or less depending on your tastes. And don't be afraid to taste! ;)

In Large pot combine Sucanat, Vanilla Maple Syrup, Agave, salt and coconut cream.  (To get the coconut cream I just take a can of Thai coconut milk that you get in the Asian section of your grocery store and put it in the fridge overnight, then when I need the cream I just open the can and the thick cream is at the top I spoon that off and then just use the rest of the thinner clearer liquid for smoothies or something.  You should get at least 1/2 cup from one can.)  
Stir ingredients all together and place on the stove at just below Medium-High!  Then with a candy thermometer bring it to 250 degrees.  You can stir some but as it starts to bubble you don't want to stir but you kind of want to keep moving the pot so the stuff kind of swirls around as it gets to temperature.  
As soon as it hits 250 degrees, remove from heat and stir in the coconut oil.  Have cookie sheet with wax paper plastic wrap or oil on it all ready to go take you apples and dip them in the caramel mixture (you will probably need to tip the pot a little for this) until they are well coated.  Then set them on your tray with wax paper.  Let cool completely.  If you want to roll them in other ingredients do this before you set them down to cool!


  1. Looks delicious! I have a lot of granny smith apples and my kids think they are too sour, so this will be fun to make, thanks!

    What would I do without all of your wonderful ideas?!

  2. I LOVE caramel apples! So excited to try this!!

  3. FeistyGirl: To get the coconut cream I just take a can of coconut milk and put it in the fridge overnight, then when I need the cream I just open the can and the thick cream is at the top I spoon that off and then just use the rest of the thinner clearer liquid for smoothies or something. You should get at least 1/2 cup from one can.

  4. This was so delicious! I didn't have a candy thermometer, so I improvised. I cooked the ingredients on medium high until the sucanat melted. I immediately took the caramel off the stove top when the sucanat melted. BTW, I ommited the agave..I don't like agave. I substituted brown rice syrup for the maple syrup ( I didn't have maple syrup). Thanks for the delicious recipe...It was absolutely perfect!

  5. What we do now is cut up our apples into chunks, stick them on toothpicks and then dip them in the caramel. Soooo much easier to eat that way, and more caramel in every bite! You know you just want the caramel, anyway ;) Though maybe some like the awkward mess of biting into that huge thing ... whatever floats your boat!

  6. Tami: So very true. The whole ones maybe look a bit more festive but more often than not we end up doing it just the way you mentioned! Easier and more caramel thanks for sharing!

  7. I can't wait to try this recipe. I have been using your recipes and my family loves them. My husband loves the Peanut Butter "Chocolate" smoothie. Thanks!

  8. We had these for family night last night and the children loved them. We did the apple slices and dip. I had to improvise not having a candy thermometer, it works great to cook till soft ball stage. I thought I'd save half for Christmas as a caramel and cooked it a little longer...a no no because the sugar granulated up, where as our caramel sauce is nice and smooth, so don't cook past soft ball stage (when dropping a few drops into cold water it comes together in a soft goo rather than crystalizes and gets hard once dropped into cold water.) Thanks Tammie!
