It's NO Secret; You Can Make Your Own Natural Deodorant

Update July 20, 2011:  Just thought I would let you know that it has been over a month now that I have been using my revised recipe with all arrowroot powder (1/2 cup) and no baking soda!  It works great I can put on as much as I want without worrying about it!  No burning, no breakouts, and NO B.O.!!!! Still the best deodorant I have ever used!  I have found it works better then the stuff full of chemicals and any other natural deodorant I have tried!  I love it!!!!

Update June 12, 2011:  Today I am making more of this and I thought I would give a bit of a update now that I have been using it for almost a year.  Ryan and I and my 2 oldest children have been using it and I have friends who have made some and been using it or that I made some for.  Here is what's up.  After I used it for a while I found it kind of irritating and burning to my armpits.  I surely didn't stink but it's no fun to have burning and rash/breakouts periodically.  At first I thought it was the essential oils causing my sensitive skin to burn.  But I found I could put the oils on straight and didn't have a problem.  I also found if I just put a little on my fingertips and applied it that way I didn't have as much problem but there was still some issues.  My daughter also had some issues and I had some friends say they were having some problems.  But it wasn't everyone.  Ry uses it everyday and hasn't had issues and smells better than ever by the way! 

After some trial and error and deductive reasoning we have decided it is the baking soda in it.  (Which was also in the stuff I had tried that had Cocoa maybe I can try cocoa butter on my skin again.  Or maybe not... remember the face cream...again read below........What is it with me and "Chocolate"!!!???)  Baking Soda just seems to be too strong for some people and kind of burns, also (I think especially those who shave there) the small particles can clog pores and cause breakouts.  I tried making it with less baking soda and didn't have the burning but still had some breakout problems.  So today I am making it without any baking soda.  I hope it will work as well I know the baking soda helps with the deodorant part of it I will just add extra Tea Tree oil and hope that it is still just as effective.  I will replace the soda with extra arrowroot/cornstarch I know that it helps to absorb the wetness and keep my shirts from getting pit rings hopefully that helps smell too.  I will let you know how it goes!  Oh and by the way my sensitive skin has not ever had a problem with the Baking Soda in the Fizzy Bath Bombs  being diluted and dissolved in a tub full of water makes a big difference.

I have made updates to the recipe below!  Also the story in black below is from the initial post!

Original post:  Hopefully most of you have not used antiperspirant with aluminum for a very long time!  Those of you who still do I urge to learn about some of the potential side effects of it.  Also just so you know stopping your body from sweating is really not a good thing.  Sweating is one way our body gets rid of toxins stopping and plugging up pores anywhere on your body really isn't a good idea even if it is just your armpits. 
But unsightly sweat rings on your clothes and being afraid to lift your arms ever isn't the best thing either.  I have bought natural deodorant for a long time now especially when I found "regular" deodorant didn't contain aluminum but did contain Propylene Glycol. (aka anti-freeze) didn't figure that should go in my pits either. (you even need to watch out for some bad ingredients including the anti-freeze in a lot of so called "natural" deodorants.)

Anyway I found a brand that I was fairly happy with and for the most part it worked okay.  Usually on a hot day I would have to apply it twice and I felt like  by the end of the day (especially during that time of the month, do other women feel like they have more body odor during that time?) I didn't dare hug or get to close to anyone let alone raise my hands! ;)  So I went looking for something better.  I tried just baking soda mixed with some corn starch and it worked alright.  It absorb the sweat pretty good but was a pain to apply (and MESSY) and I felt like I didn't take too long to kind of stink.  I tried the  deodorant stone things;  TOTALLY DIDN'T WORK.  I then found a solid that had great ingredients and seemed to work pretty darn good.  Then I noticed some pain and a rash under my arms after using it a couple of weeks.  I knew it had to be the cocoa butter in it.  It seems like no matter how I use "Chocolate" I have some sort of reaction.  I had tried mixing cocoa butter once with coconut oil to use as a moisturizer and it made be break out with great big pimples.  When I use just coconut oil I have no problem.  I guess Chocolate just isn't my friend.

So I went back to the first one I tried and made do.  Thinking that more naturally minded people just have a little different scent about them.  But then about six months ago I thought I should try making my own solid.  I tried just coconut oil with a little beeswax adding the baking soda and arrowroot powder (like cornstarch) with some good quality essential oils.  It worked wonderfully except I found with the warm weather it didn't stay solid unless kept in the fridge and since I don't put deodorant on in my kitchen that didn't work too well.

So I tried again this time adding more beeswax and some Shea Butter (it is solid at room temperature like cocoa butter)  IT'S PERFECT!  And just to be sure of that I used it and used it and used it.  I put it to the test.  I exercised with it and smelled myself afterwards WOW!  I smelt good.   I even had Ryan smell me sometimes just to be sure! (He hopes you appreciate what he goes through for you all! ;)  I tried it through that time of the month when I tended to be more stinky!  Hummm, still smelt good!  Honestly I was surprised!  And just because I love you all so much I did the unthinkable.  I didn't shower for three days and only applied the deodorant at the beginning of the first day!  Okay I'll admit by the end of the third day I wasn't smelling super sweet but I didn't smell all that bad it seemed to work pretty well until It wore off a little ways into the third day!  All I can say is I am NEVER going to have to buy deodorant again this works so much better then anything I have ever tried!  The only down side that I noticed was if I put too much on I would sometimes get a waxy yellow buildup on my under shirt it appears to wash out pretty good though and isn't a problem if you don't put on too much!  Mostly I just love that I don't have to worry about stinking anymore and I don't have to put chemicals in my pits!

As I have told others about it they say I should start selling it.  And who knows maybe someday I will but way before I ever do that I will share with all of you my recipe!  WHY? You may ask!  Well because I believe we all benefit when we share what we know and what we are learning.  You know how the saying goes "What goes around comes around!"  I just figure the more good I put out there the more good I will get back!  Even if it's just a good smell! ;)

It's NO Secret
Best Natural Deodorant Ever
1/4 cup Baking Soda (for people with sensitive skin replace with more arrowroot or cornstarch)
1/4 cup Arrowroot Powder
4 Tablespoons Beeswax
1/4 scant cup Shea Butter
1/4 heaping cup Coconut Oil
Favorite good smelling Essential Oils
I used Tea Tree, Lemon, Grapefruit, and Orange 1-10 drops of each according to "smell" and potency of oils you are using.  You could use other oils you like but I would for sure use some Tea Tree and some Grapefruit I think these are key to smelling good they not only have a good smell themselves they help fight potential bad smell from you.  I like to just use other citruses because that way the batch doesn't smell too feminine and Ryan can have a stick from the same batch.  But have fun and use whatever you think will work for you!

Mix the Baking Soda and Arrowroot powder in a medium sized bowl.  In a double boiler melt the Beeswax, Shea Butter and Coconut oil.  When melted remove from heat and add the essential oils.  Then pour onto powder mixture and mix.  Quickly Pour (before it sets up) into empty deodorant containers or other container of choice.  Should make about 3 sticks.  Enjoy being B.O. free!!  Naturally!


  1. Love it! I have resorted to the "bad" deodorant this summer because it's the only thing that has been working for me. I'll have to get me some beeswax and shea butter, then give your recipe a try! Where did you find empty roll-on deodorant containers?

  2. Queen Mommy: I actually reused the ones from the deodorant I had tried with the Cocoa butter in it. I say reuse ones you already have if it works if not I'm sure you can google and find somewhere online that sells them.

  3. Ta Da! You are amazing!!

    Is there such a thing as chocolate chip cookie essential oil...cause that's what I want my pits to smell like.

    Or Lemon works too.


  4. Wonderful!!!
    Does your husband use it now too? We have really wanted to start making our own, but all the recipes I found were mostly coconut oil, baking soda and arrowroot powder and like you said needed to be refrigerated. The only way that would work was if we installed a fridge in our master bath (not going to happen).

  5. Simply awesome...thanks for such extreme testing by you and your Hubs and posting the formula to make it too !

  6. Sounds awesome! Once I am out of my deoderant, or at least mostly out of it then I will have to try it. Thanks for your tips, they are aweomse, you girls are the best!

  7. Emily: A little Vanilla essential oil with the cocoa butter would probably do it! ;) But if your related to me and you are you may find you have issues with it to. Or maybe not! ;)

    Nonna: Thanks for making me giggle! ;)

    Courtney: Yes as part of our rigorous testing I had him try it too! Worked great! And personally I don't mind the citrus scent on him but some men may like something more manly like Cedarwood and/or Spruce essential oil or something like that. I would still use some tee tree and a little lemon though.

    August 9, 2010 4:42 PM

  8. Thank you so much for so generously sharing this recipe. Can't wait to try it!

  9. Tammie - You're amazing! I was just thinking of asking you about how the experiments were coming along and wala - you've already posted it! I can't wait to try it on my hubby, you know we've tried everything out there and nothing seems to work, natural or not, so I'm excited to try your recipe. We did just get some Burts Bees for Men, it has a lot of oils in it and smells pretty good, but it's $8 a stick! And it has canola oil in it which isn't too great. You are a miracle worker!

  10. I made your pie, coconut ice cream and shell and they were amazing and so are you for coming up with them! They were the perfect treat for my 2 year olds birthday so thank you! ANd I am totally making the deodorant! THanks for testing and coming up with the perfect formula!

  11. Always love your posts! How long does the essential oil remain "good" for in the stick. I notice when I put them in water for cleaning they tend to last a few weeks at most. I assume an oil base would be better.

  12. Anonymous: That's a great question! I do think they last longer in the oil. I try to keep them in a cool dark place as much as possible. But the current batch I have has been made for about 2 months and seems to be working great still. I do put the Rosemary essential oil in because it has been known to be good natural preservative for both the oils and essential oils in the recipe.

    Also I'm sure the quality of your coconut oil, shea butter and essential oil will make a difference too. With what I have used it seems to keep well. I will let you know if I notice it looses potency with sitting on the shelf. If it does smaller batches may be a good answer. But I fairly confident that the shelf life of this deodorant will be 6 months to a year.

  13. This looks great! I would love to try it. I've also fudged by buying the crystal stick deoderant and store it in a jar of purified water, and when I need a spray refill, there it is...and one of those babies will last you for...freaking...ever.

  14. Kinda funny that the first post I find on your Blogtastic is one about deoderent! A few days back I posted on BKT about getting rid of my deoderent because the chemicals were not my friend and then I fall upon this greatness! Thank you for sharing :)I will be visiting often.

  15. Hi Emily I read a while back you were thinking of working with a menu. Are you still thinking about doing this. Thanks again for all you share. Really enjoy your site.

  16. Anonymous: YES! I am working on this in fact Emily my sister is the one who convinced me that my life would be simpler. She was right and I can't believe it took me so long to figure that out.

    I hope to share that experience very soon! Sorry it's taking longer then I thought it would but I want to make it so simple and easy for everyone to implement!

  17. I just have a block of beeswax, any ideas on how to measure it or break it up.
    I just made a lotion bar from equal parts of beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil. Wonderful stuff! There is a youtube video how to when you type in "Making hard lotion bars for dry skin". A little messy, but so great!

  18. Courtney: I would either grate it up or shave stuff off with a carrot peeler or just chop off pieces with a knife and measure that way. Or since you melt it anyway maybe just cutting a chunk of about 4 Tablespoons and then melting it and measuring it out that way might work better.

    The lotion bar sounds way fun thanks for sharing!!!!

  19. Willow: I found though that the crystal type deodorants simply don't work for me. Also be sure to read ingredients many of them do have some form of aluminum look for anything with the word alum with it!

  20. Did you use refined or unrefined coconut oil, or will that matter? I've been having a horrible time with deodorants also and am very excited to see this post. There is no one in my small town that sells arrowroot powder though or any of the other ingredients. I have some great essential oils though, so I guess I'll have to order everything else online.
    Thanks for this recipe!!

  21. Carla: I used the unrefined coconut oil because I buy it in 5 gallon buckets. But I'm sure you could use either. Also you could use corn starch in place of arrowroot powder if needed. You are so welcome for the recipe! I am loving it. I have found it works better then ANY kind (natural or not) I have ever tired. I have had a few people who have tried it now(including my husband) tell me the same thing! ENJOY smelling good!!!! ;)

  22. I have used a lot of natural deodorants. I think that this sounds great in theory, HOWEVER, my problem is not necessarily smell, but the amount of perspiration I create. Yeah, I know, sweating is good for you, I have an article saying that, because I *DRIP* sweat during physical activity, a family trait that I love, easy for me to detoxify right? But, I hate having to change clothes 3 times a day because they are sopping wet *grin* How do you find this works for helping with that?

  23. Miss Melanie: You are right it is good for you sometimes I wish I would sweat more ;) but yeah it's great when exercising but not so much at other times! I tend to be one that sweats more then I really want especially in that area I have found this works better then anything else I have tried. The cornstarch or arrowroot powder seems to absorb some of the perspiration you could always add a little more and see if it at least keeps the sweat off your clothes. Just know I haven't had problems with sweat rings since using it. Of course I haven't used it through a full summer yet. ;)

  24. For those times when you just can't deal with perspiration (like you're going to be on stage or something), you can dab milk of magnesia under your armpits. It will keep you from perspiring, is all natural, and doesn't have aluminum. Only thing is, you can't go sleeveless this way--it's white and can't be hidden without sleeves. :)

  25. Hi Tammy, I just recently found your blog and I love it. My kids and I love all the smoothie recipes. We have a Blendtec and it's amazing at grinding up the greens. Anyway, my question is I made your homemade deodoratnt and I poured it into some old deodorant stick containers. But, how am I going to get it out? Do I just stick my fingers in it to apply it? I didn't think about this before I poured it into the containers. Thanks for your input.

  26. Anonymous: I just put mine in the fridge for a few minutes and then it rolls up when I turn the thing just like any solid deodorant. I found though that way almost put too much on and it clogged my pores. So I will just roll it up and put my finger in it and rub it on that way.

  27. Hi Tammie, Just found your site three days ago and am so impressed! I love new info. on health, ect. I put together the deodorant last nite and love it. I didn't have beewax or shea butter on hand BUT it still came tegether real well. My under arms feel silky after I appy it. I used a little peppermint, sw. orange oil and a couple sqirts lavendar Dr. Bonners castle soap. It's a keeper. No more high priced natural deodorants! I'll keep reading. Now I want to try the lotion. The Green Smoothie Mom

  28. I have made your deodorant and I am amazed at how it lasts all day with no BO smell! The only problem is that it seems to be leaving a yellow stain on my garments. But it was cheap to make and it works! I also made your lotion and added about 5 different butters and it turned out great! I use in on my face and it does not clog my skin and leaves it so soft without a greasy afterglow. I bet I could consider it all natural anti aging! Thank you for your recipes!!!!

  29. LucyH: You could try using a more refined beeswax that is white instead of yellow it would solve the problem I think. I also found just not using too much helps with that too!

    And you are so very welcome! I'm glad you are enjoying them!

  30. Anybody want to make me some of this to try? ;) I would love to not stink! I'm afraid I'll never get around to making it with two little girls to focus on.

  31. paws: If only I could post free samples on my blog ;) It really only takes minutes to make. The longest part is waiting for the beeswax to melt. It's getting all the ingredients and having them on hand that took me the longest. I sure wish I had done it sooner though. It's so nice to have deodorant that works and to spend so little on it!

  32. Yeah, if only I could reach into my screen and grab samples. That would be awesome! I also wish I could sample all the food I see being made on the Food Network and on this blog. (I did make the Lettuce Wraps, and they were really good.)

    I'll just have to keep my eye out for the ingredients, and when I have a perfect storm, I'll give it a try.

  33. I've been wanting to leave a comment every time I use my new homemade deoderant (which isn't so new now, I made it months ago) & absolutely LOVE IT! I used the version with half baking soda & half arrow-root, and used eucalyptus lemon essential oil along with the tea tree and I just love how it smells! I too am an avid sweater and was only convinced to try this by your detailed description. I can't believe it works so well and I'm so happy to have this in time for my daughters as they start reaching the ages for needing deoderant. And it's SO EASY to make! Now I need to find some other uses for the essential oils.... :)
    Oh, I was going to mention that I had my hubby try it, but aside from the fact that he's skeptical about my foray into homemaking these sorts of things, he said it pulled on his hairs too much. :(
    ~Julie :)

  34. Soooo...still problem free with the arrowroot? Just curious because I am excited to try it!

  35. Crysty: Sorry I need to come back and update this post yet again. ;) It worked pretty good with just the arrowroot powder but I found I had to add a lot more tea tree. It worked good just not quite as good as with the baking soda. I have found what I think the perfect mix by changing the recipe to the 1/2 cup arrowroot and then adding about 1/2 Tablespoon of baking soda. With just the little tiny bit of baking soda I find it works really well but doesn't irritate my skin. I have been using it for over a month now and haven't had any problems!

  36. Hi,
    I know this is kind of an old post but was wondering. Do you think that this recipe would work without using beeswax? Have you had any problem with the beeswax staining clothes?


  37. Annette: Yes it would, it just would need to be kept cool. It won't be as hard without the beeswax.

  38. OK. So maybe for the winter it would be OK without the beeswax but maybe in the warmer months the beeswax would be good.


  39. Thanks for the recipe - I found you on pinterest, and I'm going to try the recipe right now! The last one I tried worked great for a month or so, then I started getting a rash :-/ I wasn't sure if it was the essential oils, but now I'm thinking baking soda. Fortunately we have arrowroot starch on hand! Excited!!

  40. Has anyone had a problem with it liquefying in warm weather? I'm about to move to a very hot climate and will be living without refrigeration but don't want to go back to regular deodorant!

  41. Amanda: I know that coconut oil will melt at over 76 degrees but the Shea butter and beeswax stays solid at warmer temperatures. I think at above 76 it will soften a bit. I keep my house close to 80 in the summer and just noticed that it wasn't quite as hard still solid though. I think it just depends on how hot it will be. If it will but much over 80 you could add more beeswax to help it stay solid.

  42. can i mix the powder directly into the double boiler mixture once melted? anyone know?

  43. I just made some. I put the coconut oil, shea butter, and beeswax in a mason jar. I put the mason jar in a shallow pan of simmering water to melt. once melted I poured in the dry ingredients and stirred a lot. I poured it into an old deoderant tube and it set up very well! I put the full amount of corn starch instead of arrow root, and instead of 1/4 baking soda, I used about 1/2 T of baking soda as you mentioned in your comment, and the rest of the 1/4 cup I used talc for. Now to test it out this week. I've been dying for a convenient deoderant, and after nursing conventional deoderants don't work for me anymore, I am allergic! Also I am excited to be using wholesome ingredients and not poisons. It occurs to me that using store deoderant might be really unsafe to apply to skin so close to the breast and lymph nodes, I'm thinking breast cancers. So I am glad all around to find this recipe and will try to remember to leave feedback after using it for a while.

  44. beccalouise: Sorry I'm sure you answered your own question but yes you can. ;) I'm excited to hear how it works for you! Thanks for sharing!

  45. I'm allergic to baking soda so I will definitely try this one. Just an FYI - Frankincense oil has been proven to reduce risks of breast cancer. I add Frankincense to all the recipes I've been trying. I think this is really important for people to know since the armpits are so close to the lymph nodes.

  46. JellyBelly: Frankincense would be a great essential oil to put in this!

  47. Thank you! I made this this afternoon after trying an initial recipe with baking soda that after three weeks began to burn my skin :(
    I am looking forward to giving this one a good run and hope it does the job x

  48. Tammie, thanks so much for this. I can't wait to make some. Where can I find the containers in the picture?

  49. Anonymous: I got the containers from

  50. I have not made your recipe yet bur have made my own and have had problems when applying it to my underarm that it wants to get very runny on the stick. Does your recipe not do that? It especially did that on my wifes worse then mine and would almost run down the sign of the container.

  51. Anonymous: I didn't have any problem with that even in the summer when my house is warmer. But it could do that if it got too warm say almost 80 degrees. I put mine in the fridge after I have made them but only until they are hard then I keep it in my bathroom. Stays nice and solid.

  52. Yellow stains on clothes problem: I have found that this does not happen if I apply it differently. What I do is just use my fingers to apply it and I rub it in quite good. Doing this solved this problem for me. Also an added bonus: the second time I made this recipe it was too hard. I had to re-melt it and add more shea butter. But now I know that if it is too soft it won't matter because I put it in into a container vs a roll on stick thing, and apply it by rubbing it in with my fingers. Also, fluctuating temperatures won't matter either if applied this way.
