Banana Nut Zucchini Bread

Update July 2010:  We have lots of Zucchini we need to use up. (Not that we can grow any around here my plants aren't even blossoming yet maybe one day I'll figure out how to garden well.  So far I can only grow Kale and Herbs really well.  Herbs are basically weeds so ya know! ;)  I keep working on it though I do have some peas and a few tomatoes too and it looks like I may get quite a few peppers.) 

Anyway between family and our CSA share we have had plenty of Zucchini.  We shared some and grated some and froze it for later use. I made this recipe last night for dinner and now I'm down to one to use this week before we pick up more from our CSA.  I plan to make some of the recipe below and  I plan to show you some other fun, tasty and creative ways I have come up for using all our Zucchini!  I hate to see yummy, fresh, healthy food go to waste and when we first started on the Simple, Healthy, Tasty journey I had a hard time not having a lot of my fresh food go bad in the fridge. 

Now though with a little creativity and one simple practice, I have found that there is very little fresh food in our house that goes to waste.  You can find most of my creativity here on my blog in my many recipes!  And the one simple practice is what we call leftover night!  For us it's once a week on Saturday evening.  I pull out whatever needs to be used from the fridge and we make it into something.  It's surprisingly good,  takes very little time or effort and keeps my fridge from having hidden "science projects" in the back of it.  Give it a try it works great!

I have always really like Zucchini Bread and I think this is my favorite Zucchini Bread recipe yet!

Banana Nut Zucchini Bread
3 cups whole wheat flour
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon all spice
1 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1 cup Sucanat
3 ripe bananas mashed
1/3 cup coconut oil, softened
2-3 cups shredded zucchini
Egg Replacer for 3 eggs
1 Tablespoon vanilla
3/4 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

Blend wet ingredients then add dry ingredients and blend well. Fold in walnuts. Pour batter into 2 oiled bread pans (or 4 mini ones) and bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes or until done.


  1. Sounds delish! I'll have to add it to my to do list!

  2. You must be growin' some mad zucchini up there!?!

    I want my house to smell like that looks...I think I'll make some soon.

  3. I haven't made zucchini bread in ages. It does look and sound great. I think the pineapple zucchini bread recipe probably just needed the basic adjustments: wheat flour, sucanat, coconut oil, and egg replacer. I need to look up that ol' recipe. Yours sounds reeeeealy good though. Hope you are enjoying the Fall weather. Love you much. Mom

  4. Fall weather Mom?!?! We already had ours it's down right cold here now. In fact some here said their gardens froze last night.

  5. Sounds good.

    I am new to your blog and enjoying learning. Thanks!

    What is sucanat and where can I find it?

  6. Eileen: Sucanat stands for SUgar CANe NATural. You can find it at pretty much any health food store or I get mine in Bulk through Azure Standard. It is the whole cane juice with all the vitamins and minerals still in it dehydrated at lower temperatures.
