Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream
2 Cans coconut milk (not light)
1 quart of Rice milk
2 Tablespoons Vanilla
2 cups raw sugar or sucanat
ice cream machine
ice cream rock salt
plenty of ice for ice cream machine

Mix first 4 ingredients all together till smooth if the coconut milk is very thick you may want to blend ingredients in blender first so it is well blended. Just don't over blend at too high of a speed, this causes coconut milk to seperate and you will have the wrong texture! Put into your ice cream maker container. Follow the instructions on your ice cream machine to freeze.
Mighty Tasty!



  1. Do you make your own rice milk or buy it? If you make it, I'd love your recipe!! I've never tried it before.

  2. Tina: I have been telling myself for a long time that I should make my own rice milk. But as of yet I have NEVER made it. We buy it. I know it would be so much better for us and save money if we made it. I want to try soon I know it's not real hard. I will be sure to post about it when I do!

  3. Is this for a quart of ice cream or a gallon? My ice cream maker only makes a quart so I can adjust it if this makes a gallon. Thanks!

  4. Kathy: This makes almost 2 Quarts. You could easily cut the recipe in half and it should be about right for your ice cream maker.

  5. Tammie where do you buy the ice cream from you referred to when you are in a hurry?

  6. Kimberley: Health food stores usually carry it and I have bought it from Smith's too.
