A Little Motivation!

Watch this!
Maybe Mimi can keep you motivated to live a
Simple, Healthy, Tasty lifestyle!
Love it!


  1. Wow! Does she look good. What got me was that she had no plastic or botox. Amazing.

  2. I remember reading this in the newspaper a few months ago, she is from San Diego and the article was filled with others jsut like her.

  3. Dude, if I can look that good when I'm her age all the "trouble" of this healthy lifestyle will be SO worth it :) Thanks for your inspiration and teaching Tammie, you're amazing!

  4. Okay...she's Vegan, 70, no plastic/botox alterations, has a green smoothie every day, supports farmer's markets, and makes beautiful desserts...


    Truly breathtaking and inspiring...much like you blog! Thank you for allowing us into your kitchen to learn! I just made your kettle corn recipe yesterday for our family...and Tammie...OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!

    SOOOoooooooo GOOOooooood!!!!


  5. Great post as for me. It would be great to read more concerning that topic. Thank you for posting this info.

  6. I just found your blog today and I was wondering where you buy your food. Also, do you have any suggestions for saving money on items that can be expensive to purchase? Do you buy a lot in bulk? How much of your food do you produce yourself?

    Thanks! Your blog has been very fun and informative!


  7. Stephanie: I get the majority of our food from Azure Standard, (a food co-op that delivers to my area) Costco, my local health food store and what ever else I need that I can't get from those places I get at my local grocery store (Wal-Mart or Smith's)

    For fresh foods we do try to grow a lot of our own to save money we also buy from local food stands in season and relatives give us lots of produce when their trees and garden does well. We have also bought into a local CSA for this Spring and I'm hoping that saves us money on produce too. I do buy most everything in bulk to save money.

    We have a very small yard but we grow a garden every year and we have planted small fruit trees berries etc. We are trying to make the best of the land we have. Everything I plant is either an herb for cullinary or medicinal purposes or food of some sort. Once everything is mature it will be amazing how much food we will get from our less then .1 of an acre.

  8. Tammie, Have you posted about your garden yet. I'd love to know more.

  9. Permission to Mother: Denice, I have blogged a little not much though. It's really in the beginning stages. I have big plans for it though and I hope to blog lots about gardening this Spring and Summer and show that you can grow lots with little property!

  10. Amazed. She's truly an inspiration! Proof of healthy living, she's still so young and youthful.
