I really like this pie because the peaches are still fresh. So you get all the benefit of fresh raw peaches! It does however stay together better if you chill the pie before eating to let the glaze cool and thicken. It tastes good either way but stays together much more nicely if it has been in the fridge for at least a few hours before serving.

1 cup Sucanat
1/2 cup water
3 Tablespoons Arrowroot powder or Cornstarch
1 Tablespoon coconut oil
1 drop butter flavor (optional)
2 cups fresh peaches, pitted and blended
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 cups fresh peaches, pitted, skinned, and sliced - or chopped
(you may want to put a little lemon juice on them if they are going to be sitting out for very long before you put the pie together)
Combine Sucanat, water, Arrowroot powder, coconut oil, blended peaches and nutmeg in saucepan. Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until shinny and thick. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla. Fill pie shell with a layer a fresh peaces, then glaze, alternating until pie is full. REFRIGERATE!
Ohhh Tam, my goodness...what can't you do!? That looks lovely! I bet you even made a little coconut cool whip and put a blob on top?! Please say that you are dying for a visit from your little sister and her family soon?! And that you can't wait to show off your incredible cooking to her in person!? :)
I would love to take a big whiff of your kitchen...right now! :)
Love you tons, Em
We just made this pie, and it tasted great! The pie wasn't set up as much as I thought it would be--I even refrigerated it overnight--but it still tasted good. I made some of your whipped cream to go on top. Yummy! Thanks for the great recipes! :)
Melissa: You know it didn't set up as much as I hoped either. Hummm I wonder If a little more Arrowroot powder would do the trick?!?!? Or even a little more coconut oil. Or maybe you just put it in a cake pan and call it cobbler. ;) It's a work in progress but either way it does have great flavor and I can't wait to try it again!
Oh, yum, Tammie! I can't wait to try this!
Do you have any good recipes for a pie crust for people with Celiac. Thank you:)
Krista Raven: If you go to http://www.simplehealthytasty.com/2010/05/pie-crust-recipes.html you will find all my pie crust recipes. Some of them are gluten free. I don't make a pastry crust that is gluten free but I'm sure it can be done with things like rice and almond flour.
Thank you:) so much
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