
Everyone seemed to like the bread bowl idea. So here is another one using the Best Yet Whole Wheat Bread recipe! Just make the dough and as soon as you are done kneading it roll it into very thin small circles. Then place in a small frying pan of hot coconut oil and fry up just like you would a scone. These are great with some "honey butter" on them. For the honey butter I just mix up a little honey and coconut oil together you could maybe put a drop of natural butter flavor in there too. You could add some cinnamon too if you like it with that flavor!

They also make really good Navajo Tacos and or Indian Tacos at least that is what I have always heard them called. They are basically taco ingredients on a scone instead of a tortilla. We love them! You can pretty much put whatever you want on a Navajo Taco. We like some kind of bean usually refried, cheezy sauce, chopped tomato, onion, olives, corn, chopped bell pepper, lettuce, maybe salsa or some ranch dressing, guacamole would be good too! Very versatile just make according to you and your family's tastes! Give it a try the recipe will make lots of scones so you can have Navajo Tacos for dinner and then some scones for dessert! Leftovers go great with breakfast too!



  1. Can't wait to try it. By the way- we love the French Toast made with the cashews!

  2. courtney: Yep we love that one too. Last time I was pregnant I had not had French Toast in years and they sounded so good! So I came up with those! I'm really glad you like them they really hit the spot when I'm wanting French Toast! Also have you tried the coconut syrup? I made it with almond extract instead of coconut and it's really good that way too and would be good on the French Toast!

  3. Yummy, Indian tacos sound really good. Makes me think of the clark county fair. But yours are definitely healthier. I will be trying those soon. Hope all is well with you guys! Love ya, Mom

  4. Mmm, I grew up with these called Navajo tacos and you'd put chili on them. We made these the other day and used the other half of the dough for the Maple Pecan pull aparts, and they were amazing! I hadn't had fried food in ages (except for maybe a small taste or two that made my tummy hurt) and these were glorious and I still felt good eating them :) Thank you for a miracle send!

  5. I've never thought to make scones from my homemade bread dough! Great, I will build it into my routine for Tuesday making bread, and taco Tuesday!

  6. I grew up in Utah and *LOVED* scones! My mother made them, we got them at all of our city fairs and there even was a restaurant called "Scone Cutters", then I moved to Washington. After going to a restaurant and seeing "blueberry scone" on the menu I ordered as quickly as I could! A taste of home was about to be served right up...then the waitress brought out a blueberry BISCUIT! LOL If you don't call it Indian Fry Bread here, no one knows what you are talking about and if you order a "scone" expect a nasty English biscuit (grin)

  7. I have not had Indian Fry Bread or Indian Tacos in ages!! I think I must introduce this yumminess to my girls....
