My List of Staples and My Pantry

Hey did you think I was never going to get around to doing this? ;) Sorry it took me so long! I'm going to start with a list of our staples(stuff we use at LEAST once a month). I will try to have it organized somewhat. Then I will add some of the less frequent but still used things we have for added variety, they will have this* by them. Then I will add some other foods I don't have yet but want to try soon. they will have this** by them. Be sure to note that we do not usually have all the fresh fruits and vegetables in stock at once these things are seasonal and we get them when then look good, with maybe the exception of lemons, limes, bananas, baby spinach, Lettuces, carrots, onions, Peppers, garlic, and potatoes we have those pretty much year round. I also have some pictures of my pantry! It's not the prettiest but it's functional! And I think the key to eating Simple, Healthy, Tasty!
My List of Staples

Hard White Wheat
Hard Red Wheat*
Soft White Wheat*
Long and/or Short Grain Brown Rice
Regular Rolled Oats
Wild Rice Blend*
Corn Meal*
Dried Corn*
Oat Groats*


Lentils (Green)
Red Lentils*
Split Peas**
Anasazi Beans**


Other Melons
Other Berries
Baby Thia Coconuts*
Others when we are feeling adventurous**


Baby Spinach
Green Leaf Lettuce
Red Leaf Lettuce
Other Dark Green Leafy
Green Cabbage
Purple Cabbage
Bell Peppers
Alfalfa Sprouts
Other Sprouts
Butternut Squash
Summer Squash
Other Squash


Flax Seed
Raw Sunflower seeds
Dry Roasted Unsalted Peanuts
Hemp Seed
Sesame Seeds
All Natural Peanut Butter
Tahini (Sesame Butter)*
Sprouting Seeds*


Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil
Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil
Cold Pressed Sesame Oil
Cold Pressed Palm Fruit Oil*


Maple Syrup
Agave Nectar
Brown Rice Syrup*


Diced Tomatoes
Kidney Beans
Garbanzo Beans
Navy Beans
Pinto Beans
Black Beans
(The last two beans are for when I forget to soak and cook my own;)
Diced Green Chilies
Coconut Milk
Rice Milk (it's in a box;)
Tomato Puree*
Black Eyed Peas*
Salsa Verde*
Unsweetened Applesauce*
Green Beans*


Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Rice Vinegar*
Balsamic Vinegar*
Red Wine Vinegar*


Whole Wheat ALL GOOD INGREDIENT Tortillas
Corn Chips
NOTE: There are a lot of whole grain tortillas and breads on the market now but they don't all have good ingredients be sure to READ LABELS!!!!
Whole Wheat Spaghetti
Whole Wheat Macaroni
Whole Wheat Ritoni
Whole Wheat Penne
Spelt Pastas**


Sea Salt
Poppy Seeds*
Chili Powder
Garlic Powder
Granulated Garlic
Onion Powder
Minced Onion
Poultry Seasoning
Red Pepper Flakes
Black Pepper
White Pepper
Poultry Seasoning
Mrs. Dash Table Blend
Ground Mustard Seed
Bay Leaves
Note: Be sure the last seasonings have all good ingredients I like this brand for most of my spices but I still read ingredients because not all of their seasonings have ingredients I like.
Curry Powder
Italian Seasoning
Mexican Seasoning

(Used on an as needed basis)
If there is interest I may share more about how well herbs work for us! (I honestly don't remember the last time I took an Ibuprofen or any other drugs. And my youngest two children have never needed them! My older two probably would not have when they were young if I had known then what I know now;)

Garlic Oil
Ear Oil
Chest Comfort
Red Raspberry Leaf
Blessed Thistle
Lymphatic Formula
Cold Season Formula
Lung and Bronchial


Non-Aluminum Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Carob Powder
Arrowroot Powder
Vital Wheat Gluten
Egg Replacer
Natural Butter Flavor
Maple Flavor*
Coconut Extract*
Peppermint Oil*
Cinnamon Oil*
Soy Lecithin*


Black Berries
Other Frozen Fruit
Frozen Peas
Frozen Corn
Frozen Mixed Veggies*
Frozen Broccoli*


100% Fruit Leathers
Unsweetened Dried Coconut
Nutritional Yeast
Organic Mustard
Organic Ketchup
Organic Pickles
Brown Mustard
Nama Shoyu
Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
Frozen Pineapple Juice*
Frozen Orange Juice*
All Fruit Jams*
Buckwheat Pancake Mix*
Organic Instant Oatmeal*

I hope that didn't overwhelm anyone and that most of you found you use a lot of the things on the list already! If you don't but want to please don't try to do it all at once! One or two new healthy things a week taking the place of something unhealthy is a much easier way to start. Remember I have been a "health nut" for at least ten years and I'm still learning lots! EVERY small change you make towards better health makes a BIG difference! Plus if you are used to the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) you don't want to do a 180 cause your body will not know what happened. It will start cleansing like crazy and it will make you feel really sick! Be nice to yourself and take it slow! Before you know it you can have very different very healthy lifestyle! Keep it Simple but keep going it's so worth doing for you, your children, your grandchildren! I do not regret one minute of heading down this path!

Okay here is my pantry! The bins on the floor mostly have bulk things like dry beans and grains! The white bins above them have Bananas, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Onions, Garlic. The next shelf has oils, vinegar, pancake mix, some cut herbs (like Red Raspberry Leaf) and sprouting stuff. The next shelf is bread and some smaller bulk bins that have things like wild rice, dried corn, dried date pieces, things I don't use as much of. The next shelf Is mostly for Cereals (the empty containers are for granola. I have been making it about twice a month. We have been doing pretty good to not buy cold cereal;) There is some Organic Instant Oatmeal and just some other miscellaneous stuff that doesn't belong there ;) The next shelf has baggies and things and more containers with more bulk stuff. Things like carob powder, baking soda, popcorn, dried basil, and parsley, etc. I try to have my bulk stuff in appropriate size bins according to how much I use. So they are not always having to be refilled. The top shelf has honey and other sticky things out of reach of the children. And whatever else fits up there! ;) The very top shelf that you can't see very good has things like my wheat grinder, popcorn popper, food processor and other non-food items.

On the left side I have some bulk herbs and spices and some miscellaneous canned type things that don't fit on the other side like salsa and stuff.

And on the right I have my cans!

Now you have probably noticed I buy A LOT of things in bulk. I have a food storage room in my basement that I keep the extra and I try to keep my supply built up. We pretty much never run out of the things in the pantry and we keep it rotated. Of course the fresh foods we only buy what we will consume before they go bad! We try to only go to the store twice a month for fresh food. That varies depending on how much my kids are craving salad that week. ;) Again this didn't happen overnight and I am still working on keeping it organized! But if you keep consistent and buying what you know you use in bulk you will be surprised how it adds up and how it makes it so SIMPLE to come up with a Healthy, Tasty meal for everyone! Don't forget that having a Family Favorites Recipe Book helps a lot too! If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate! I know there is a lot of info in this post! ;)


  1. Hi Tam! So glad you found my blog, and I'm glad to see that you have one, too! It's good to cross paths again. :o) Typing up your whole pantry list (and sharing photos!!!) is quite the undertaking. I'm impressed! Happy weekend....


  2. Wow. I love your list! My shopping list lately actually looks similar, but yours will give me new ideas.

    My pantry is a mess and I don't seem to have enough storage.

    I'd be interested in your upcoming medicinal herbs post.

    I'd also be interested in your breastfeeding experience (which is also an important nutritonal topic).

    OK-I'd be interested in anything you want to share.:)

  3. I saw your post but really had to come back to it and read it again, your list is amazing.. now how about start at the top and share your recipes for everything ;)
    I am about to pick a few more recpies to try this week... I will let you know what I think...
    Thank you for taking the time to write this list, it did give me some new ideas!! I have been in a food slump lately and it's not been pretty. Must get back to planning and on track..
    I agree with Permission.. share....

  4. Oh and I forgot to say... I love your pantry!

  5. What are the astericks stand for?
    Is succinate the same as turbinado?

    I may ask a lot of questions because I am very interested, however no need to rush any involved question.

  6. fitncrafty: There are lots and lots of recipes that use the same ingredients. I'm not quite sure how I would be able to do that! Maybe one of these days I will do a weeks menu plan with a shopping list! But I'm a horible planner! That's why I love the favorites recipe book. And the list of Staples I don't have to plan that way! ;) But all the recipes you need for those ingredients are on here and/or being added! And I totally know how those food slumps can be. We went through times where I felt like all we were eating were salads or spaghetti. Then I started tying to "healthify" some of our old S.A.D favorites and it's been way fun! We went camping recently and figured out a way to do hobo dinners in the campfire OUR WAY! And now my wheels are turning for a dutch oven peach cobbler! I'll be sure to share! When you let your self be creative the possiblities are endless. Of course you can't be afraid to have some things turn out not so good;)

  7. Hi Tam... Although I did mean it literally.. I do love your recipes.. I get so many ideas from your posts and have found some new foods that I really like.. So thanks. I will look forward to you sharing more foods and ideas.. .

  8. permission: The astericks are for: one is things that we use but not as often just to add variety! And the ones with two are things we have not really used but I want to get and try!

    Sucanat is different from turbinado. Turbinado is know as Sugar in the Raw and I have used it! I prefer Sucanat though because I feel like from the darker color of it that it has more vitamins and minerals! Sucanat stands for SUgar CANe NATural. It's pretty simply dehydrated whole cane sugar that has not been separated or blended, basically nothing has been added and nothing taken out! The molasses which is all the nutrients from sugar are still in it! There is another brand called Rapadura that I think is the same thing and I have heard good things about it too! Basically Unrefined Whole Cane Sugar. With your turbinado and organic sugars I believe they are a little more processed although WAY better then white processed sugar. We usually save them more for a special treat once in a while and use the Sucanat more often!

    I hope that makes sense! I'm sure I could have said it in less words;)

  9. Holy Moly Girl! This post took some time! I love that I can use it as a check list in my pantry. I just need a few more things and I am right with ya! Thanks for taking the time to do this! Your pantry looks fabulous, by the way!!

    Love ya tons, Em

  10. Your post is wonderful.....
    Now I know without a doubt that I need to organize my panry better!

  11. Where do you shop? How do you only get fresh things twice a month and still have fresh to eat everyday? I feel like I have to go to the store atleast once a week for my fresh veges and fruit. Do you like Costco for produce? I love your blog!!! Thanks for all the knowledge!!

  12. crystal

    I get most of my fresh stuff from Costco. I also really like farmers markets but they are seasonal. I find that most fresh stuff kept properly will keep two weeks. If for some reason the fruit starts to go bad we before we eat it all (very rarely happens;) We freeze it for smoothies. We do sometimes need to get more salad cause I don't want to buy too much at once cause it tends to go bad the fastest. I get most of my bulk grains and other things through the Azure Standard co-op that delivers to my town once a month! They have EVERYTHING even fresh organic stuff sometimes too!

  13. has lots of organic products including organic agave nectar in all sizes.

  14. So THIS is what healthy looks like. I am SO overwhelmed by your list! Can I be honest here? A lot of that stuff I have never even heard of. I've got a lot of learning to do! I am such a newbie at this, but like you said, small changes here and there, right? BTW, your pantry looks amazing! You are so organized!

  15. Wow, you are amazing. I just came upon your blog last night and can't seem to pull myself away. I love your vibe, and your passion. I am new too all of this as well and you are an inspiration. I thought pantries were full of poptarts and cold cereal:) I'm up for the challenge, but I am giving myself time, it will be a process. Here we go!

  16. Jessica: It certainly is a process! I am still learning lots! But you are always better off starting and trying then never begining because you are too overwhelmed. I love that you know you need time just stay consistant and you will be surprised at how "naturally" it comes! Have fun!

  17. Your pantry looks great and I love your site...just found it recently and have shared it with others. You have great information and recipes. I feel like I have similar nutritional ideas as you, but I'm a bit behind. I was wondering where you got those storage bin things in your pantry. They would be great to have. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Amy: I got them through ABC distributing. But I DO NOT recommend them. All my lids are cracking from cans being dropped on them. They were more money then I think they are worth. You can get about the same size of bins at Wal-Mart for half the price and the lids hold up better. Although they are not quite what I want either. I am currently looking for some new bins for my pantry. I like the design of my current ones but they are just too brittle of plastic. I will be sure to blog about it when I find some I like!

  19. Hi Tammie
    I have a question since I am working on getting as healthy a food storage as I can. What are you storing for your fruits and vegetables? And also how are you storing nuts and seeds? I would appreciate any info you can give me. I love your blog and try allot of your recipes your amazing thanks

  20. Ronda: I dehydrate and bottle fruits and veggies. I also store sprouting seeds so you can have fresh raw greens that are full of enzymes at any time with just the addition of water. Also when I dehydrate I keep the temperature under 115 degrees to preserve the enzymes. I love dehydrating because it is less work, takes up less space and is a healthier way of preserving food. Also if you can buy freeze dried that's a good way heathier way to store them too. They do tend to be pretty pricy though.

    Nuts and seeds I typically keep in my extra fridge and freezer in the garage. They keep longest in the freezer. But I have had them keep over a year in the fridge.

  21. Ok,
    Tammy, I feel like I've been stalking your blog as of late. But I can't help myself, I'm so intrigued, and the food has been so yummy and it must be just the right time in my life. This list is going to be uber helpful for me. I have no idea how to use all those grains yet! Seriously. Any pointers. Do you just use S.A.D. recipes and start throwing in new grains??? lol. I have been wanting to make my first Azure Standard order, have been waiting for hubby to graduate law school this last year, and now get his first job in September! Can't wait! Anyway, and can't wait to make an order, but am trying to make it not too big. I want sucanant, and peanut butter to start with, but I also want nuts in a bigger amount, and raw. Anyway, and I hate to be so stalkerish, but your sister Emily, I think I read that she was your sis, seriously is like the sweetest thing, so supportive! :) Emily
    Ok I have an idea for another post. It would be interesting to see you take an S.A.D. recipe and see what you do to convert it. :)

  22. Emily: Thanks for all your great comments! I'm so glad you are finding my blog helpful! Yes Emily is my sister she is amazing and yes so supportive! I love her and all my family sooooo much!

    Ummm with throwing in the grains yeah I kind do take S.A.D recipes and see how they turn out. I have been thinking a lot about mixed grain breads and learning about how combining the grains is so good for you and also soaking them for better absorption. I hope to try some bread like that this week and post about it soon.

    I love your idea about a converting a S.A.D recipe post. I will have to get working on a post like that!

    Thanks so much Emily for your wonderful comments and sweet attitude it's so much fun getting comments from you. I hope you continue to read and comment and benefit from my blog for many years to come! Love having you here!

    Good luck with your Azure order if you have any questions or need help feel free to email me.

  23. Hey, your comment made my day! Thank you Tammie, I haven't met a blogger who is so astute to everyone's question, even when sometimes the question is answered if they weren't to skim but read the post. (Even I did that one time!) I just got this juicy idea, I am going to email one of my friends and try your eight week challenge. :) :)

  24. Emily: Wonderful!!! Keep me posted about how it goes!

  25. Just found your blog. Have you published an update on different pantry bins that you like to use?

  26. Susieq: No I totally should since we have moved and I have an entirely different pantry that was one of the first things we changed when we moved in. I keep thinking I'm going to get around to painting it first.....but let's be realistic. ;)

    The bins that I like using I found at Costco They came in packs of two I think and they are just large plastic cereal bins I have used them for years now and they hold up great.
