Pizza Topping Ideas

Pizza Topping Ideas
green peppers
sweet red peppers
sliced olives
sliced mushrooms
pineapple chunks
artichoke hearts

Use anything you can think of that might be good on pizza. Use some or all of them. Sometimes we even saute them first in some oil and seasonings. We like to use lots of toppings and herbs. Some herbs we like are basil, oregano, dill, garlic salt or an Italian seasoning is always good. You can even come up with your own theme Pizza like Mediterranean or veggie lovers. Be creative! I sometimes take the Cheezy Sauce recipe (in This and That) and thin it with a little rice milk and sweeten with a little organic sugar and drizzle on top of our pizza. Or sometimes I use the Vegan Mozzarella Cheese recipe. (found in This and That) Or sometimes we just add extra sauce on top and don't worry about the "Cheese" I even have a "Savory Sausage" recipe I crumble and put on Pizza sometimes. The recipe is in (Main Dishes or Breakfast)



  1. Hugely helpful, thank you. Have just started a heathy eating program and was advised to make our own pizzas but I was totally stuck. sincere thanks from Louise in London.

  2. You bet Louise! I know what it's like staring a heathy eating program. That's why I started this blog to help other adopt a healthier lifestyle. I really do hope it helps! Let me know if you have any questions! We love healthy pizza at our house!
